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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE 2023 Thematic Focuses

How can Adult Learning and Education engage citizens in democracy, empower people to navigate labour market changes, and include everyone in learning?

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We are living in uncertain times, amidst accelerated transformation, an extremely complex socioeconomic context, and unprecedented challenges. Adult Learning and Education can play a crucial role in equipping European citizens and new Europeans with the skills necessary to be resilient, empowered and prepared to navigate these complexities.

In the context of the European Year of Skills, soon to be officially launched, throughout 2023 EPALE wants to highlight the potential of Adult Learning and Education to engage citizens in society and democracy, empower people to successfully navigate labour market changes, and include everyone in learning.

To do so, we invite our community to share their experiences on our thematic focuses for 2023. Let’s take a look at them!

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Engage. Skills for democratic life

To fully engage in our society, between challenges and transformation processes, we must be active and aware as citizens. What skills are needed to participate in democratic processes with awareness and responsibility?

EPALE wants to highlight the role of adult learning and education in building skills for democratic life. What educational paths should we envision to support adults in being active actors for change? How do we support individual growth and the awareness of being part of a bigger picture?

Following the European Union’s efforts, EPALE is interested in tackling misinformation and disinformation, given the role they play in polarising public opinion, and in promoting violent extremism and hate speech. The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the media narratives around them have made it especially clear how toxic our media ecosystem can become, and how it can potentially harness our democracies. So, what tools can ALE put in place to allow citizens to understand and flag misinformation and disinformation?

Related themes: Participation, Volunteering, Media literacy, Community learning, Community spaces

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Empower. Workforce with the right skills

Re-skilling and Upskilling are crucial to unlocking the potential of the European workforce and for translating opportunities into action. In the midst of pressing socio-economic challenges such as the green and digital transition, the energy crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, a skilled workforce is key for strengthening the competitiveness and resilience of the economy. New skills bring fresh opportunities for individuals and can ease their participation in both the labour market and society.

How can we increase the ability to acquire skills that are essential for tackling labour shortages, master the green and digital transitions, and ensure Europe’s competitiveness? And above all, what do we actually talk about when discussing “skills for the labour market”? What skills are most relevant to match people’s aspirations with real opportunities in the job market?

Related themes: Workplace learningEntrepreneurship and employability, Microcredentials, Individual learning accountsUpskilling and reskilling

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Include. Inclusive skills opportunities

Learning opportunities need to fit the diverse needs of diverse groups of learners. We have to make sure that no one is left behind and we need to activate more people to uptake skills opportunities. What is the role of Adult Learning and Education in recognising and valuing diversity? How do we provide support to vulnerable groups of learners?

EPALE will in particular focus its attention on third-country nationals, persons in need of basic skills education and young adults, especially those not in education, employment or training (NEETs). How do we best reach out to these groups? How can we support women’s employment and participation in learning?

The other side of the coin, besides learning, is speeding up and facilitating the validation of skills and recognition of qualification, including of third-country nationals.

This focus will highlight initiatives and methodologies that foster equity and inclusion, with special attention to vulnerable groups of learners.

Related themes: Barriers to learning, Equality, Migrants, Persons with disabilities, Social Inclusion, Basic skills, Languages, Learning in prisons, Cultural diversity, Older people

The three Thematic Focuses will stay with us throughout the year, so do not miss the chance to write a Blog post, or a News article, or suggest an Event and share a Resource!

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Lucia Sironi
Mon, 02/27/2023 - 12:28

I would like to raise an issue connected to inclusion and empowerment of adults: the importance of financial literacy. What can we do to improve this important life skill? 

What are the programms already developed for adults, migrants and so on, in different European countries?

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ilze ivanāne
fös, 02/10/2023 - 17:31

Doma laba, bet…Kā to realizēt praksē?! NVA bezdarbniekiem regulāri piedāvā dažāda veida apmācîbas, tās ir iekļautas darba meklētājiem individuāli izstrādātajos plānos. Tikai nav īsti pētījuma, cik tas ir bijis lietderīgi?NVA motivē apgūt zināšanas , prasmes par kurām bezdarbnieki saņem samaksu:ja apmeklē mācības, Tev maksā. Mērķis būtu sasniegts tad, ja cilvēki vēlētos iegūt zināšanas, lai tās palīdzētu iegūt jaunu darbu,nevis tikai tāpēc, lai ar mācīšanis nopelnîtu naudu.             NEET jauniešiem ir izstrādāta programma Proti un Dari. Šai programmai ir ievērojami rezultāti: augstos rādītājus sasniedz ar labu mentoru palīdzību un atbalstu. Šeit tiešām ir svarīgs mentors ar harizmu un aizrautību “iekšā” projektā uz visiem 100%                                               Darba tirgū ir nepieciešamas dažādas prasmes, kuras regulē ģeogrāfiskais kopienas novietojums. Protams ,bez digitālām prasmēm mūsdienās nevar iztikt arî pie zemnieka.Tomēr lauku teritorijās trūkst apzinīgu roku darba strādnieku, kuram varētu uzticēties.

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Profile picture for user Dorota Gierszewski.
Dorota Gierszewski
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Ambassador badge.
lau, 02/04/2023 - 10:43

Działania na rzecz zmiany społecznej to jest to, co w edukacji dorosłych lubię najbardziej.

Obserwując otaczającą nas rzeczywistość, widać, że gwałtowna zmiana stała się nieodłącznym atrybutem życia. Jak w warunkach zmiany funkcjonować? Można się wzmacniać, zgodnie z koncepcją empowerment, angażować na rzecz zmiany życia obywatelskiego i skierować swe działania ku inkluzji. Te trzy tematy EPALE na 2023 są kompatybilne względem siebie. A skupienie się na nich pozwala na uczenie się współpracy, krytycznego myślenia, komunikacji i pobudzać może kreatywność.  

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