EPALE focus: Digital skills as a way of accessing learning opportunities

EPALE's thematic focus from April to June is on Digital skills as a way of accessing learning opportunities
Society is becoming increasingly digitalised and inter-connected. The pervasiveness of the digital realm is affecting the ways in which people access services, how they live, work and use their voices and how they contribute to society. The need to develop a better digital education is closely linked to participation in society. In order to prosper in a labour market which is becoming increasingly digitalised, people need sound digital skills, job-specific skills and the motivation to cope with change and to engage in continuous learning.
Life-long learning opportunities, which are becoming increasingly available online, are essential both for low-skilled workers, and for those looking for continuous advanced training.
In fact, many platforms provide learning opportunities and tools. However, both learners and learning providers continue to experience barriers to accessing them due to a lack of adequate digital skills.
Furthermore, digital skills are becoming increasingly important for ensuring access to essential services during emergency situations such as the one we are currently facing with the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak.
So, which digital skills will be essential over the coming years? How should educators develop the necessary knowledge and methods to support learners effectively through this transformation? How can training providers modify or expand their CVs in order to meet this growing demand for digital know-how?
Take part in this debate and share your expertise. Get involved in sharing knowledge and points of view! Have you been or are you currently involved in interesting projects dealing with digital skills as a means of accessing new learning opportunities? Share your know-how and perspective with the EPALE community! On 27 May 2020 you will also have the possibility to join our online discussion on Digital skills as a way of accessing learning opportunities. |
Online assessment of basic skills
The Open Learning Space -model for adults
Digital Skills
citizen 2.1 partner search
Adult VET learning in the time of pandemic
Digital Literacy is now more important than ever
Dear Marija, thank you for
You're welcome!
Digital Literacy
e-learning in Iceland in times of Covid
citizen 2.1
The significance of media competence
As diverse as media are, so numerous are the possibilities for promoting media competence. For example, media are actively used in projects to learn how to handle technology, to deal with a specific topic, or to produce one's own media content.
On the other hand, media competence can also be promoted without the use of technology. Meaning, when media becomes the subject of discussion. In doing so, one's own use of media can be questioned, the goals of media education in the family can be put to the test, or the focus can be on changes in our society caused by new forms of media use.
And finally, media can of course also be used as a learning tool. The use of computers at school has become part of everyday life and the growing range of learning software also aims to use media to support the learning process of children.
Adult Education in Moure - Vila Verde (Portugal)
La dad per uscire "fuori"
Training Vocational Trainers via synchronous e-learning
Digitale Kompetenzen
Improve digital skills through an e-learning environment
La dad per uscire "fuori"
Video Conferencing & Use in a Course
- We own a license
- The quality (all over) with up to 30 - 40 participants is OK (compared with other tools).
NSS Cyprus
Flipped learning for adult learners developing basic skills
digitális tanulás
Usun e-õppesse
Digitale Kompetenzen
digitális tanulás
Beibehaltung analoger Medien
Ich stimme sowohl Katja als auch Lena vollständig zu, was
den Gebrauch von digitalen Medien im Unterricht betrifft.
Ich bin eine große Befürworterin der Beibehaltung der analogen
Schreibweise. Obwohl digitale Medien eine immer wichtigere Rolle in unserem
Alltag – und somit auch dem Schulalltag der Kinder – spielen, soll meiner
Meinung nach auf analoge Medien und Materialien nicht verzichtet werden. Ich
finde es unverzichtbar, dass Kinder eine ordentliche Handschrift erlernen und den
Umgang mit Papier und Stift beherrschen.
Das mag für den ein oder anderen absurd
klingen, aber ich habe tatsächlich schon erlebt, dass Kinder nicht mehr wissen,
wie man in einem Bilderbuch umblättert, weil sie den „Wisch-Vorgang“, den sie
von iPad und Co kennen, so sehr verinnerlicht haben. Das finde ich ist - auch
in unserer stark digitalisierten Gesellschaft - sehr fragwürdig.
Digital literacy