EPALE offers plenty of content and features for the adult learning and education staff. The Homepage showcases the latest content and a range of highlighted items.
The menu collects information under the following sections: Contribute, Collaborate, Learn, MyCommunity, and About.
Let’s discover each of them!
“CONTRIBUTE” includes Blog Posts, News articles, Events, the EPALE Themes (the main topics of interest in Adult Learning), and a page dedicated to all the ways to get involved on EPALE. You can simply read the contributions posted on EPALE and take action by posting your content.
“COLLABORATE” showcases the most interactive features hosted on EPALE: the valuable Partner Search (to find partner organisations for your E+ projects), Groups to cooperate on specific topics, the Erasmus+ Space, the Community of European VET practitioners, the Discussions section, and the Organisations directory.
“LEARN” hosts a great deal of learning opportunities, such as a Resource Centre, a Course Catalogue, the EPALE Resource Kits, as well as EPALE’s Newscasts and Podcasts.
“MY COMMUNITY” highlights the most appreciated content on the platform, as well as the must-reads, the EPALE Community Stories, and the EPALE Hall of Fame with the most engaged members of the community. Do you want to be part of the Hall of Fame? No worries. The “Earn your badge” section explains how to do this.
“ABOUT” is a map containing all the relevant information to guide you through EPALE, including your National Support Service, the national and European stakeholders, an EU Policy page, and this Help & FAQs page.