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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Social Opportunities Of Sustainability

2 members
Logo of Erasmus+ Project Social Opportunities Of Sustainability .
Exploring sustainable tourism, eating and mobility within the Erasmus+ framework to foster eco-friendly practices across Europe.

LexiEco Project

2 members
A virtual space to share documents related to the LexiEco Project

CIRC Project

2 members
This Erasmus+ Space will be focused on disseminating results of the CIRC project : Connecting Inhabitants to Rural Culture.

NEWSPIRACY - Fighting the online Post-Truth conspiracy

2 members
Goal: to develop critical thinking skills among university teachers and students of different educational degrees, emphasising that they must be critical with the information they receive.


2 members
A group of partners for the project TAPIOT (2024-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000256942)

GEL Project Team

2 members
Partners from Spain & Malta working together on a KA210 Gender Equality Learning and Capacity Building Project


2 members
An Autism and Behaviour Management training for P.E. school teachers.

FLAM => New practical framework for developing a language courses methodology targeting adult learners

2 members
Defining a methodological and practical framework for developing a language courses methodology (adult learners) in a view to questioning our actual practices and confront them with the partners


2 members
The EVLE project is an innovative initiative that combines language teaching with road safety education, specifically designed for immigrant integration and second language learning.

ECHOES Extended Classrooms for Higher Opportunities Enhancing Skills

2 members
ECHOES aims at getting professionals in the field of VET ready to manage virtual training and extended classrooms.


2 members
Capacity building for 3 EU organizations to enhance integration practices for migrants and refugees in our local communities in Italy, Belgium and Finland.

C.L.A.I.M. - Artificial Intelligence for Competences and Learning

2 members
The “C.L.A.I.M. - Artificial Intelligence for Competences and Learning” Project is a two-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.