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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Centre Forestier, founded in 1975 and nestled in the Luberon Regional Park, is a leading vocational training center for forestry professions, serving both young learners and professionals. Each year, it welcomes 300 students, offering hands-on training, certifications in fores...
Marguerite Keynes
CPEPA Rubielos de Mora is an Adult Educational Centre located in a villagein Teruel, just 50 miles away from Valencia.The school offers a wide range of adult courses, such as Secondary Education,Spanish as a Foreign Language or access to intermediate vocational trainingcourses...
"Ikar-202" аssociation is an organization that, along with foreign language and IT courses, offers non-traditional forms of teaching and learning in order to improve the quality of knowledge in the field of formal and non-formal education.
petya dimova
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).