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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja

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Applied Filters

MANORG is a non-profit organization that strives to support and provide social relief to individuals regardless of their origin or background. The organization aims to help individuals develop their potential through non-formal education, mentoring, and by creating awareness i...
Ertan Gündüz
A progressive and dynamic privately owned third level college offering a wide range of programmes including Apprenticeships Healthcare and Bar Management, Business, Computing, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Creative Arts and Screen Media, Design, Engineering, Graduate Busine...
Jonathan Murphy
Youghal Communications CLG was formed in 1979 and has legal entity since 1995 as a CLG and is now operating on its 10 YEAR Broadcasting License. Since our existence, volunteers are the essence of our organization,today there are over 113 active volunteers participating in our ...
Yvonne Smith
Università delle tre età sede di Moretta. Attività culturali per gli adulti
Bernardino Cagliero