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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа



Конференция на общността на EPALE: Формиране на бъдещето на обучението за възрастни в Европа

На 6-7-8 октомври 2020 г. EPALE е домакин на онлайн конференция на общността, която е отворена за цялата общност за обучение на възрастни от цяла Европа. Иновативният онлайн формат ще позволи много по-широко участие и активен принос от по-голяма група заинтересовани страни от всички сектори и държави в Европа.

Profile picture for user Maya Slavova.
Maya Slavova

EPALE Community Conference: Shaping the Future of Adult Learning in Europe - 6-7-8 October 2020 -...

На 6-7-8 октомври 2020 г. EPALE е домакин на онлайн конференция на общността, която е отворена за цялата общност за обучение на възрастни от цяла Европа. Иновативният онлайн формат ще позволи много по-широко участие и активен принос от широка група заинтересовани страни от всички сектори и държави в Европа.

Целта на събитието е да засили сътрудничеството и обмена на знания между заинтересованите страни в обучението за възрастни; свързване на експерти, обучители, доставчици на обучение и създатели на политики, за да помогне за оформянето на бъдещето на обучението за възрастни в Европа в несигурните години напред.

Партньорите ще проучат как Общността може да се справи с предизвикателствата, създадени от COVID-19, и да развие нови възможности за устойчив растеж в сектора.

Конференцията ще се фокусира върху ключовите приоритети в обучението за възрастни като дигитално обучение, повишаване на квалификацията през целия живот и социално включване; с интригуващ микс от ключови речи, панелни дискусии и интерактивни семинари за информиране на присъстващите и стимулиране на идеи.

Всички панели ще бъдат модерирани от Тамзин Роуз.

Програмата на конференцията ще продължи три последователни дни със следните конкретни теми за всеки ден:

Ден 1 - Дигитално обучение и умения: Управление на промените, обхващащи трансформацията

Ден 2 - Обединяване на усилията за осигуряване на повишаване на уменията през целия живот: изграждане на сътрудничество между заинтересованите страни

Ден 3 - Социално включване и демокрация: възможности за промяна

Ключовите речи и общите дискусии на панела всеки ден ще бъдат публични събития, които са достъпни за гледане чрез платформата EPALE и също във Facebook EPALE.

Day 1.
Watch on Facebook.
Watch on EPALE.

Day 2.
Watch on EPALE.
Watch on EPALE.

Day 3.
Watch on Facebook.
Watch on EPALE.

Също така ще бъдем домакини на тематични уъркшопове и национални панелни дискусии, които ще бъдат достъпни само след регистрация, тъй като участниците са ограничени..

Вижте по-долу подробности за участие и регистрация за всеки ден.

6 October - Digital Learning & Skills: Managing change, embracing transformation.

Watch on FacebookWatch on EPALE

Welcome and scene setter - H 10.00-10:15.

Wrapping up session - 12:15-13 and 13:30-17 - registration required.

National Support Service Panel Finland.

7 October - Joining forces to provide lifelong upskilling: building stakeholder collaboration.

Watch on FacebookWatch on EPALE

Basic skills and resilience Workshop H 11.00 - 12.00 Register Here.

Wrapping up session h 12.15-12.45 and h 15.00-16.30 Registration required.

National Support Service Panel Germany.
National Support Service Panel Montenegro.

8 October Social Inclusion and Democracy: Opportunities for change.

Watch on FacebookWatch on EPALE

Democracy and values Workshop H 11.15 - 12.10 Register Here.

Wrapping up session and closing.

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Пет., 10/09/2020 - 11:31

Good Mornin,
I participated at day 1 and 2 of the conference but I was unable to attend yesterday sassion, that was very interesting for our insitution. Where and When can I fund the results or download presentations?
Thanks in advance for the information.
Regards Sara
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Profile picture for user Maria Teresa Marziali.
Maria Marziali
Ср., 10/07/2020 - 10:15

Good morning

I am particularly interested in this morning panel discussion and workshops. Unfortunately, no possible to participate for rme.
I had a look at the FAQ, but it is not working, please would like to know the address where I can find the works in the following days.
Thanks you Maria Teresa Marziali
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Dear Maria Teresa,
all the public sessions are available on the "Watch on EPALE" pages, so you can watch the Speech or Panel if you didn't manage to participate live!

You can also access them on Facebook.

Enjoy the Conference!
Claudia (EPALE Team)
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Profile picture for user Maria Teresa Marziali.
Maria Marziali
Вт., 10/06/2020 - 16:59

I would like to know if the records of the Conference, or parts of it, will be available.
Thank you
Maria Teresa
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Dear Maria Teresa,
all the public sessions are available on the "Watch on EPALE" pages, so you can watch the Speech or Panel if you didn't manage to participate live!

You can also access them on Facebook.

Enjoy the Conference!
Claudia (EPALE Team)

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Profile picture for user LClaudia.
Lina Cláudia Oliveira Santos
Вт., 10/06/2020 - 13:26

Sendo nós uma comunidade inclusiva, parece-me que deveria haver tradução em outra línguas inclusive língua gestual.   
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Profile picture for user elpl.
Вт., 09/17/2020 - 20:04

Hi . Its impossible to register in the event as every workshop is full. The members of my organisation and i would like to join in . How we will manage?
thank you 
Eleni Plevra
President of EN.O GREECE
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Hello Eleni,
thank you for your interest in our workshops.
The seats ran out fast, and they are all getting quickly full.

We are working on a reserve list for some of the workshops.
Please be sure to stay tuned to the workshops' pages where - in the next few hours - we will post an update.

All the best,

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HI, our members would like to join the confrence. This topics match perfectly our KA1 Erasmus+ project and we will be happy if you issue confirmation about participation for this event. Who can I contact?
Thank you!
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Profile picture for user claderamo.
Claudia D'Eramo
Съб., 09/19/2020 - 19:29

In reply to by Lenka Prokopova

Dear Lenka,
all keynote speeches and panel discussions do not require registration and will be visible to everyone. We invite you to visit the "Watch on EPALE" or "Watch on FACEBOOK" pages during the Conference days!
In fact, we will live stream the speeches and the panel discussions here on EPALE and on our Facebook page.

On the other hand, workshops and national panels require registration, since the number of participants is limited... and the seats are quickly running out. We invite you to visit the Workshops' pages to check their availability.

For any other inquiry, please write to:

All the best,

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Profile picture for user Sara Djelveh.
Sara Djelveh
Вт., 09/17/2020 - 09:11

Good morning,
I'd like to register for this workshop foreseen on the 7th of October but it is already full. Would it be possible to be added in the waiting list?
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
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Dear Sara,
thank you for the interest for the "Basic skills intervention for resilient citizens and communities" workshop.
The seats are running our fast for our workshops, and the one you just mentioned is already full.

We are working on a reserve list for some of the workshops, and for the one about Basic skills we actually decided to make some additional seats available in the next few hours.
Please be sure to stay tuned to the workshop's page to register as soon as the new seats are available!

All the best,


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Profile picture for user claderamo.
Claudia D'Eramo
Вт., 09/17/2020 - 14:44

In reply to by EPALE member

Dear Rasa,
all keynote speeches and panel discussions do not require registration and will be visible to everyone. We invite you to visit the "Watch on EPALE" or "Watch on FACEBOOK" pages during the Conference days!
In fact, we will live stream the speeches and the panel discussions here on EPALE and on our Facebook page.

On the other hand, workshops and national panels require registration, since the number of participants is limited.

All the best,
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Ср., 09/16/2020 - 08:53

The Association of Nordic Engineers ANE and the Network of Technical Universities in Nordic and Baltic countries, NORDTEK have carried out a project mapping new intiatives that are based on stakeholder cooperation/strategic partnerships with some very innovative initiatvies that the community might be intersted in? It is possbile to join us for a digital conference held in English on 1 October 2020 at 9.00.

Digital Conference: 
Boosting the digital transition through lifelong learning, Nordic initiatives 1 October 2020 The consequences of the 2020 crisis will require new ways of thinking, working and learning. Ensuring relevant lifelong learning provision is a hard nut to crack, but now more than ever, it is seen as the key to adapt to restructuring and changing our societies. Not only pandemics impacts our labour markets, so does the digital transformation. The “Boosting the digital transition through lifelong learning” will present good practice examples of how to address these challenges in strategic partnerships, and you be able to actively contribute to a discussion of the project recommendations.

 Conference: 1 October 9.00 – 12.00 Venue: Digital conference Registration and programme can be accessed here: 
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