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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë


The 2021 Community Stories initiative

Be sure to submit your story as early as possible to get the chance to disseminate it, get comments and inspire your colleagues!

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EPALE Editor

The 2021 Community Stories initiative

EPALE is launching the new edition of the Community Stories initiative!
Community Stories gives the EPALE community the opportunity to share stories, perspectives and experiences that reflect the creativity and expertise of adult educators, for the benefit of their colleagues and the whole field of education.
EPALE is committed to gathering and documenting this incredible richness of projects and experiences in the adult education sector. Last year we investigated how the adult education community reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic, and this resulted in a collection of 114 passionate stories of reaction, creativity and resilient pedagogy.


This year’s goal is to become inspired through the collection of stories of adult education activities with respect to the EPALE 2021 Thematic Focuses. The call is open until 15 December 2021.

What would we like to bring out from the stories to enrich our views?

  • The current projects you are involved in.
  • The most interesting aspects of your experience as an adult educator.
  • How your job has changed during recent years.
  • The future challenges in the field of education and in your specific area of interest.

When we talk about Life skills for empowering adults to learn and participate, we would like to address the topics of upskilling and reskilling for work and life, the relevance of basic skills and the urgency of health and media literacy especially in the light of the evidence emerging from the pandemic. How are you acting to enhance basic skills and competences for the digital and demographics transformation?

The COVID-19 crisis has had an unprecedented impact on adult education and left many in the field asking what comes next. Digital Transition and the opportunities of blended learning carries with it reflection on resetting education for the digital age. This is a key objective, and we are well aware that you are all reshaping your teaching and trainings in the light of the Digital Transition. How are you making the most of blended education? How are you keeping your learners motivated through digital means? What opportunities are emerging?

Lastly, a huge topic. Inclusive Social Change for Sustainability and Fairness calls to action in order to ensure social fairness, and build resilience to react to crises. This means that we need to guarantee the right to education for adults with disabilities and those socially excluded, to enable them to participate fully in society.  How are your projects addressing the themes of Social Inclusion of vulnerable groups, Diversity and Active ageing? How are you contributing to sustainability through education?

Stories need to be accurate, well argued, possibly contain links to the projects and respect the established number of characters. We would like to know the peculiarities of your experience, strengths and… why not?... failures and lessons learnt.

How to participate

You just need to fill out the webform, include one or more pictures, and share your story!
Let’s recap the steps.


That’s not all! This year we have a surprise for you.

  • The first 100 EPALE users to submit a qualified story will receive an EPALE branded giveaway!
  • Each month from May 2021 to January 2022 there will also be a raffle among the users who comment on the stories: 5 users per month from those who comment on the published stories will be picked at random and will receive a gift. Comments must be relevant and related to the topic to be eligible, so share your thoughts by leaving comments!

Curious about the ethical, inclusive, and lovely gift we thought about? It’s a case/charging holder for mobile phones hand-made by a social enterprise that produces artisanal accessories out of re-used leather (leftovers from the high fashion production chain) and employs people from disadvantaged backgrounds. So, a great gift mixing adult education, circular economy, and social sustainability.
Let’s have a look!

EPALE unique gift


Moreover, all the participants who submit a qualified story and fulfil the above-mentioned requirements, will be invited to an exclusive training opportunity on “Effective strategies to communicate and promote your adult education activities and projects” to be held in December 2021.

Finally, all the published stories will be included in the 2021 edition of the Community Stories Storybook. Have a look at the Community Storybook from last year!  


Be sure to submit your story as early as possible to get the chance to disseminate it, get comments and inspire your colleagues!

Please take note:
- Stories can be submitted until 15 December 2021, end of the day.
- Comments will be taken into considerations for the gift if posted by 31 January 2022, end of the day.

We can’t wait to learn more about your projects and your innovative solutions!



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Profile picture for user derviş.
Derviş VURAL
Hën, 12/27/2021 - 15:50

As Konya Selçuklu Public Education Center, we have been prepairing trainees graduated from high school for university exam that is very important for every teenagers in Turkey because this exam determine their professional future. With this aim they attend to our Supporting and Upbrining Courses (DYK) for four days a week and we quiz them every monday. We also have a slogan prompt them like " Prepairing to University exam is our job, we are one of the best those who doing this job". We give educationcoach service to our trainees besides of routine educaiton and quizzes. We believe taht If you interested in tarinees face to face and one by one, the success would come certainly so each teacher studying in our courses runs as an education coach for three permenant trainees. After We observe their improving day by day, discuss over their situations to bring better levels. Beside this valuable running we have planned question solving courses at the weekend free. At this courses our trainees only solve the questions about their fields and they ask their questions to the teachers lively ıf they couldn't accomplish so these courses also very important for our trainees. We think to go to education camp three times in this year. We have planned one of them in 24th of january, the second one will implement in May,the third one will implement two week before exam. We believe that the more you repeat the more you success. Our another working is our seminars that we orginise for both trainees and their parents in a month because this exam has a stressful process. Time to time parents and their children can conflict about the studing tempo and sometimes from their failure. To avoid this situations our body psychological counsellor orginise seminars regularly. Also psychological counsellors meet with them one by one and face to face effectivley to solve the problmes. At the end all of the these workings we have observed occured improving at our trainees clearly. For instance many trainees graduated from lower level are have a higher scores  than their arrivals. I have connected this seccessful to given technic instructions than rather these workings. We will follow the concludes of the workings by the end of the university exam date. I believe that we will get a huge successful.

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Profile picture for user Lina T.
Lina Trebiene
Dje, 06/06/2021 - 12:56

Kiekviena istorija turi dvi puses: TAVO ir MANO. 

  • Ačiū TAU, kad daliniesi savo atradimais, pasiekimais ir unikalia patirtimi.
  • Džiaugiuosi, AŠ, puikia galimybe mokytis, pajusti, suprasti ir pritaikyti TAVO atradimus savo kasdiniame gyvenime ir darbe.
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