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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



The Erasmus+Space is a safe and secure tool in particular for Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects. Project coordinators and their partners may use it for project management and dissemination, hence it offers the possibility to post content privately, as well as for the broader public. The core objective is putting into practice blended mobility and cooperation projects, notably starting with coming together online that will be followed up by physical meetings.


AI Compass: Navigating the new labour market

5 members
AI Compass Project.
We are developing an AI compass A lot is currently happening in the world of AI. There is an incredible amount of hype: research is being conducted and published, and an endless number of webinars and

Rozwój wiedzy i samego siebie ponad granicami projekt Erasmus

9 members
"Rozwój wiedzy i samego siebie ponad granicami" projekt, w którym nauczyciele naszej szkoły wzięli udział w kursach językowych oraz metodycznych w Grecji, Hiszpanii, na Cyprze, Malcie i we Włoszech.

LANTERNS: Learning opportunities for youth action in the energy transition in Southern Europe_Participants Space

24 members
Project logo.
Project participants' space. Sharing and exchange of content, collaboration and co-development.

CiE_Gateway- sharing knowledge to build impact bridges

3 members
Aim is to equip academic staff and educators with practical tools, methodologies and case studies on novel and effective educational models that embrace multidisciplinary collabration and engagement

MAPA – Mapping barriers and target groups for increasing participation in adult education

5 members
The project has been implemented by the partnership of the Forum for Lifelong Learning (SK) and EDU.IN – Associação para a Educação Integral (PT) supported by the Erasmus+.

Digital Individual Learning Accounts in V4

2 members
DILA-V4 is an innovative Erasmus+ project aimed to modeling and testing a data system with the help of AI for personalised training funding in transversal/soft skills, for ILA funding schemes.

FL4LF - Food Literacy for Local Food

10 members
FL4LF logo.
FL4LF project aims to create a community-based learning model that promotes Food Literacy and supports multi-at-risk adults, contributing to social inclusion, sustainable habits and Local Food issues.

Arguing at School - Psychopedagogical Methods to Help Children Learn from Arguing

10 members
KA220-SCH- Cooperation partnerships in school education. 10 Partners from Italy, Croatia, France, Malta Romania. Project webpage here News here


7 members
Purpose of group KA2 project Target audience Bodies providing guidance about learning/careers

Soft skills 2.0 - Erasmus +

14 members
Logo of the project.
Exchanging ideas about Soft skills linked to work-based training and human ressources management - Soft skills 2.0 Erasmus + project

Sustainable fortifications for seniors learning

9 members
Exchange of good practices and new ideas among cultural heritage managers on the topics: sustainable, socially inclusive and green management of fortified sites with special focus on adult visitors.

FLAM => New practical framework for developing a language courses methodology targeting adult learners

5 members
Defining a methodological and practical framework for developing a language courses methodology (adult learners) in a view to questioning our actual practices and confront them with the partners