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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Save the date for the 2021 EPALE Community Conference!

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Save the date!

On 12-13 October 2021, EPALE is hosting its annual Community Conference, which is open to the entire adult learning community from right across Europe.
The conference will be held in a 
fully online environment, thus allowing wide participation and active contributions from a broad group of stakeholders from all sectors and countries in Europe.

The EPALE Community Conference will offer a forum for exchange and cooperation among adult learning experts, trainers, training providers, and policymakers. It will provide an opportunity to discuss how adult education and learning can help reshape our society, promoting inclusive and sustainable models.

The conference will foster the discussion on the role played by adult learning across multiple levels of transition (green, demographic and digital), paying special attention to the challenge of not leaving anyone behind.

The plenary sessions will take place here on EPALE over two mornings on 12 and 13 October.

...But the conference doesn’t end there! Far from it! 

The following week, on 18 and 19 October, the conference comes alive and leaves space for common action. Participants will have the opportunity to have their say, getting involved in four participatory workshops to be attended upon registration.

Plus, the conference will also host few National Panels to allow participants to deepen and discuss national priorities and practices… in national languages. The National Panels will be held between 12 and 19 October.

Stay tuned for all the details!

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