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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa



EPALE podcast: Interview with Brigitte Bosche and Anne Strauch from the German Institute for Adult Education

In this podcast, Simon Broek interviews Brigitte Bosche and Anne Strauch from the German Institute for Adult Education about the GRETA-portfolioPlus project on validation of informal and non-formal competences of adult educators.

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In this podcast, Simon Broek interviews Brigitte Bosche and Anne Strauch from the German institute for adult education. They talk about the GRETA-portfolioPlus project on validation of informal and non-formal competences of adult educators.

The podcast discusses:

  • The aims of the GRETA-portfolioPlus project
  • The importance of validation
  • The benefits of validation for adult educators and organisations
  • The challenges encountered in validation
  • Link with European experiences and guidelines
  • Next steps and availability of materials


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EPALE Deutschland
Mi., 17.07.2019 - 14:41

GRETA is an important project in order to foster the acceptance of and approach to validation in adult education. 
The GRETA Project team at the German institute for adult education has published two blogposts on EPALE (DE). For more information have a look at this blog from May or the from June this year. 

Further, EPALE Germany has published a thematic focus on validation this year: It provides good insight into different ongoing projects on the topic and also talks about the 3rd VPL Biennale, which took place in May in Berlin. 
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