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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

National Support Services - Czech Republic


Czech National Agency for International Education (Dům zahraniční spolupráce)


    The EPALE National Support Centre in the Czech Republic is the Centre for International Cooperation in Education and research (DZS). Programmes administered by DZS are very diverse and cover areas of education and research. DZS’s services are designed for schools, students, teachers and directors from all types of schools, and other experts, organisations and authorities who deal with training and education. Programmes administered by DZS include Erasmus+, the Academic Information Agency, the AKTION Czech Republic-Austria programme, the American Science Information Agency (AMVIA), CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies), the European information network for young people Eurodesk, the European Schoolnet association (EUN), the Cooperation of Schools and Scholarships programme under the new phase of EEA and the Norway Funds, a programme to support Czech cultural heritage abroad (compatriots and lecturers), the Study in the Czech Republic initiative, eTwinning, Eurydice and Eurodesk.

    The ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is a virtual community for experts on adult learning.

    The purpose of the platform and the national support centre is to improve the quality of adult learning offered throughout Europe and to develop a strong pan-European sector of adult learning. Another purpose is to enable adult teachers to disseminate information from this sector via this platform and to address all adults who are interested in training.

    The EPALE National Support Services Project is implemented with the financial support of the European Commission and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The grant beneficiary is the Centre for International Cooperation in Education.

    The project addresses the issue of promoting and disseminating the awareness of the EPALE platform and is in charge of adding relevant information and documents to the platform.

    The project’s target groups are:

    • adult teachers and trainers
    • researchers, academics
    • policy makers in adult learning
    • project implementers in the Erasmus+ programme in adult learning
    • journalists

    The main project activities are:

    • promoting the platform at seminars, conferences and fairs
    • preparation of information and promotional materials
    • cooperation with institutions dealing with adult learning
    • adding current documents, news and events from the Czech Republic to the platform


    Project Manager:

    Jitka Morčušová

    e-mail: epale@dzs.cztel.: +420 221 850 700




    Project Coordinators:


    Daniela Krtičková

    e-mail:,, tel.: +420 221 850 708





    Monika Smekalová

    e-mail: monika.smekalova@dzs.czepale@dzs.cztel.: +420 221 850 701



    Expert team:

    Tomáš Langer

    Martin Dobeš

    Brano Frk

    Jana Guličuková

    Adult learning can be seen from different angles: as a system, its legislative framework, the participation of the adult population in adult learning and many other aspects. We will look at the most important of them one by one.

    Responsibility for adult learning

    The competence responsibility for adult learning has not been clearly explained and defined in the Czech Republic. In fact, the scope of authority is shared by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (by law, the ministry is in charge of foreign qualification recognition and further education recognition, among other things) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (the law defines competences in the fields of employment and retraining).  This is completed by partial competences in vocationally-focused training specific for difference sectors, such as the Ministry of Health (training of non-medical staff), the Ministry of the Interior (training of officials) and many other.

    Adult learning system

    The adult learning system in the Czech Republic can be divided from two different perspectives: Generally, we can divide it into:

    Adult learning at schools where adults can obtain or complete their education that they had failed previously achieve -- this is referred to as a second chance for education; education can be typically completed at secondary and higher vocational schools and universities in different subjects and forms of studies.

    Further education that is provided in relation to education obtained in a formal school system (referred to as initial training),usually simultaneously with employment; further education can be divided into:

    • Vocational training: the purpose of this training is the development of knowledge and attitudes at work; vocational training is harmonised with anticipated and real qualifications;
    • Interest training: fulfils the needs of adults with regard to their interests and free time;
    • Citizenship education: Serves the development of adults as citizens, informs them about their rights in relation to life in society.

    From the practical perspective, adult learning may be divided according to provider type and funding.

    Today, vocational adult learning is the most frequent type, most often provided by schools and education facilities, private training institutions, non-profit organisations and businesses themselves. Vocational adult learning is subsidised by the state, especially through active employment policies, namely retraining. Recently, the European Social Find (ESF) and individual projects mostly focused on employee training have played a major role. However, the largest portion of funding is provided by employers and freelancers themselves.

    Interest adult learning is not at all systematically supported by the state; exceptions may include subsidies for training provided by towns and municipalities, e.g. for senior citizens and other target groups. Many of them are funded from local government budgets or through non-profit organisations.

    Legislative framework

    There is no act in the Czech Republic that systematically covers the adult learning sector although individual (but not all) elements are a part of many legislative acts. The most important act in adult learning is Act No. 179/2006 Coll., on the Verification and Recognition of Results of Further Education and on the Amendments to Some Other Acts, that defines the terms in this field and sets up the National Register of Qualifications, including its parts. The act enables adults to take examinations in vocational qualifications in different professions and to provably demonstrate their qualifications on the labour market. Vocational qualification examinations can be taken as a complete vocational qualification. By passing complete vocational qualifications at a given school, adults can also obtain the relevant degree of education – a vocational certificate, secondary school leaving examination, and in the future probably also university education. The act also regulates requirements for examiners – authorised persons, responsible institutions – referred to as authorising bodies and many other connections.

    Where to look for information about adult learning      The Association of Adult Education Institutions of the Czech Republic       National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic