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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Make the most of EPALE by logging into your account. This will allow you to rate and comment on content, and it will give you access to our full range of features.


Dear EPALE colleagues,


we are pleased to invite you to our next online discussion that will take place on 18 March between 10:00 and 16:00 CET. As part of our January-March 2020 theme on Environmental awareness and protection, the discussion will focus on how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning. It will be the right occasion to share your stories, tips, case studies and good practices on this topic with the EPALE community!

► Join the online discussion at this page on 18 March at 10am Central European Time!


EPALE's Brand New Look

We are happy to announce that the EPALE's visual refresh has been implemented on mid February. If you still have not seen it, take a tour of the website and enjoy our brand new look!


EPALE's Latest Content

BLOG: Environment and climate change in the Erasmus+ projects for Adult Education (EN)

Since the official launch of the Programme in the year 2014, Erasmus+ has included “Environment and climate change” as one of the possible topics that could be addressed by project proposals.

RESOURCE: Ecomanagement: yesterday's knowledge, tomorrow's know-how (EN, FR, DE, ES)

An Erasmus+ project about sustainable development with the objective of transferring knowledge between generations to restore and enhance rural heritage.

BLOG: How to Reduce the Impact of Training on the... Environment? (EN, ET, DE, HR, MT, FR, EL)

EPALE Ambassador Veronika Tuul give us an overview of what can be done by adult education practitioners for making more eco-friendly choices.

RESOURCE: Footprint Calculator (EN, ET, SL)

An useful tool both for adult students and educators to find out our ecological footprint and learn about solutions to help us all tread more lightly on the Earth.

BLOG: EPALE for Environmental Awareness (EN, CS, PL, FR, MT)

How adult education can contribute to the global action against climate change?


Make the most of EPALE by logging into your account. This will allow you to rate and comment on content, and it will give you access to our full range of features.

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