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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Community Conference 2023 - Bloom! Skills for the future

On 10, 11 and 12 October 2023, EPALE is hosting its annual not-to-be-missed Community Conference.

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EPALE Community Conference 2023 - Bloom!  Skills for the future

Not to be missed for anything in the world: the 2023 EPALE online Community Conference is scheduled for 10, 11 and 12 October!

What and how

Let’s celebrate the ongoing change, growth and evolution behind lifelong learning and skills acquisition. Allow yourself to undertake such a transforming process, in the context of the European Year of Skills. Bloom! Skills for the future wants to highlight the potential of Adult Learning and Education to empower people to successfully navigate labour market changes, engage citizens in society and democracy, and include everyone in learning. 

The 2023 Conference revolves around three themes:

Available on EPALE, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter

The plenary sessions (which include inspiring keynote speeches, panels and EPALE talks) are freely accessible online via EPALE, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

A not-to-be-missed interactive workshop with limited seats available will follow each plenary session. So, to participate, you need to register as soon as possible.

The 2023 EPALE Community Conference also includes a series of national side events!

Conference programme

Here is the full programme for Bloom! Skills for the future, the 2023 EPALE Community Conference!

Click on the titles to learn more about each session.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us at

Empower. Workforce with the right skills - 10 October

10 October 9.30-10.05 - Opening by Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot and Manuela Geleng10 October 10:05 - 10:15, Welcome by NSS Belgium

Clare Stark - EPALE Community Conference 2023 Unlocking the potential of the workforce by upskilling and reskilling - EPALE Community Conference 2023Boosting green and digital skills for adults - EPALE Community Conference 2023

Watch on EPALEWatch on FacebookWatch on LinkedinWatch on Twitter

Engage. Skills for democratic life - 11 October

11 October 9.30-9.45 - Opening by the moderatorGert Biesta - EPALE Community Conference 202311 October Panel Elections in the digital eraSkills for citizenship. Democratic education for a democratic society - EPALE Community Conference 2023

Watch on EPALEWatch on FacebookWatch on LinkedinWatch on Twitter

Include. Inclusive skills opportunities. 12 October

12 October 9.30-9.45 - Opening by the moderator12 October, 9.45 - Keynote speech by Bolormaa Tumurchudur-Klok

EPALE talk 12 October

WORKSHOP Empowering vulnerable groups through non formal education - 12 October

Watch on EPALEWatch on FacebookWatch on LinkedinWatch on Twitter

Download the Agenda

All the speakersNational side events

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Profile picture for user npnagoat.
Fri, 06/14/2024 - 23:36

Skills for the future is indeed the necessary component for anticipating and filling the gap in mismatching labor demand and offer

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