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Innovative Approaches for Migrant Inclusion: How the MULTI-SCHOOLS and SCHOOLinHUB Projects Can Support the Educational System

The Development and Education Centre Novo Mesto plays a crucial role in implementing and disseminating the results of both projects.

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Tina Kržišnik
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Two key European projects, MULTI-SCHOOLS and SCHOOLinHUB, are aimed at improving the integration of immigrant children into the educational system and the local community. The Development and Education Centre Novo mesto (RIC Novo mesto) is actively participating as a partner in both projects, which, despite targeting different age groups and using different methods, pursue similar goals. These goals include promoting the learning of the host country's language, fostering collaboration among schools, families, and the local environment, and encouraging intercultural acceptance.

The common foundation of both projects is the effort to increase the inclusion of immigrant children and their families in educational institutions and the local environment. The inclusion of parents and children in the educational process and the strengthening of teachers' intercultural competencies are fundamental elements of both initiatives. Both projects recognize that language is the key to successful inclusion, which is why they emphasize the importance of learning the host country's language. They use the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) method, which enables children and parents to simultaneously acquire language and subject matter competencies. The CLIL method facilitates integrated language learning through content, which makes language learning easier and faster while also increasing motivation.

MULTI-SCHOOLS (Promoting the integration of migrant children in multi-cultural schools through comprehensive digital-driven language learning and family civic engagement), funded by the EU under the Erasmus+ KA2 program, focuses on immigrant children aged 8 to 14 and offers training to their parents to improve their language competencies. The project also involves teachers and other school professionals, who, through special training, acquire intercultural competencies and learn to use new methodologies and digital tools for teaching in multicultural classrooms. Additionally, the project plans to develop a mobile application that allows schools to assess their ability to become inclusive schools and prepare an action plan for implementing improvements in this area, as well as an interactive portal containing a collection of best practices and educational materials.


SCHOOLinHUB (An innovative and holistic program in ECEC to support language learning and integration of migrant children-parents based on CLIL, Social Stories, and Gamification approaches), funded by the EU under the AMIF program, focuses on younger children aged 4 to 7 and uses methods such as social stories and gamification to encourage early language learning and integration into the school environment. The project also includes developing digital tools, such as a 2D serious game, a mobile application, and a web portal, which support language learning and the inclusion of immigrant children. Here, too, the professional development of teachers is an important part of the project, as it enables improved teaching in multicultural classrooms. In addition, the project also focuses on adults, the parents of children, and, as a consequence, on the networking of educational institutions, which makes the project of particular interest to educators from all over the world. 

Both projects aim to create an inclusive and supportive environment for migrants and their families and therefore focus primarily on adult education. Therefore, both projects promote collaboration between schools, the local community, and other important organizations in the environment, especially those that promote lifelong learning. This approach increases social cohesion and builds a more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable society.

Next Steps:

In the MULTI-SCHOOLS project, we conducted research and collected best practices in all participating partner countries in the form of video materials, which will soon be available on the project website. In the SCHOOLinHUB project, we are planning the first steps, including the first partner meeting organized by the leading organization from Poland, with 13 partners participating. This will be followed by an in-depth analysis of the situation and connecting with key stakeholders, on which we will build the further steps of the project.

The Development and Education Centre Novo Mesto plays a crucial role in implementing and disseminating the results of both projects. Collaboration with partners from various European countries allows for a rich exchange of best practices and the adaptation of methodologies to different cultural contexts. RIC Novo mesto strives to connect all generations, as its main mission is: "Through lifelong learning, education, and counseling, we develop a culture of learning for a better quality of life." The MULTI-SCHOOLS and SCHOOLinHUB projects are excellent examples of how European initiatives can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society, where immigrants have equal opportunities for education and social inclusion.

Tina Kržišnik, adult education organizer and head of international projects at the Development and Education Centre Novo mesto, with over 18 years of experience in adult education, counseling, and development, especially in ensuring quality in adult education and designing new project ideas.

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