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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa


EPALE Newscast December 2023 - A year with EPALE

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EPALE Editor

The December episode of the EPALE Newscast will wrap up 2023 for our community. As with every month, EPALE and the Lifelong Learning Platform will select the main and most interesting of the many exciting news that the year brought to the world of Adult Learning and Education.

What’s on the menu for this edition?

With this last episode we want to look back at what 2023 offered our community - and at what our community gave us! We will tell you the most successful stories of the year, all the while bringing you the latest news in Europe (and this time we have more than ever!).

When and where?

Without getting into any spoilers we remind you that the EPALE Newscast is coming to you, live, on the first working Monday of the month: this one will air on December 4th at 12.00pm! 

If your agendas are too busy, you can always rewatch the video here. Missed the last ones? You can watch them and rewatch them here.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
ma, 12/04/2023 - 12:44

Here are the links of the topics mentioned during the newscast:

The European Commission wants to boost learning mobility in Europe:

European Education Summit:


E+ 2024 Call:

EPALE MOOC updated: Erasmus+ funding opportunities for adult education providers 

EPALE Partner Search:

E+ space:

EPALE 2023 thematic focus:

Resource Kit Engage:

Critical thinking and the epistemic crisis:

Changing skills needs: how can people become employable?

Learning Communities at the Workplace: a community of practice: 

Online discussion Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills, 13 December:

What are we talking about when talking about inclusive skills opportunities?

Integrating caregiving, parenting and lifelong learning: reflections for an ageing Europe:

Podcast on Safe Spaces in adult learning and education: 

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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
di, 11/28/2023 - 12:38

A Készségek Európai Éve miatt különösen fontos volt az ügynökség magyarországi munkája. Sok sikert kívánok a továbbiakban is, úgyis mint közreműködő.

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