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2022 Erasmus+ call for Adult Education

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2022 Erasmus+ call for Adult Education

Erasmus+, the EU flagship programme for education and training will soon celebrate its 35th anniversary. It has been enriching lives and opening minds of several generations of participants. Those participating in first Erasmus projects in the 1990s might today be entering the final years of their professional careers or prepare for new learning experience.  Over this period, the underlying idea and the driving force of Erasmus has been to learn from diversity of the European culture. The programme has always offered the participants with the opportunities to learn, socialise and develop personally and professionally. Times and challenges have been changing thus the programme needed to reflect needs and objectives and has been offering tailored learning and training opportunities. It is gradually extending its scope and focuses on innovative solutions that go far beyond the first projects from the past century. This is especially true for the Adult Education!

The 2022 Erasmus+ call has been published. With the budget of 141 million euro, adult education organisations can choose to carry out various activities to grow and develop and to provide individuals with opportunities to learn.  

What is in it for your organisation and for you?

  • You can send adult education staff abroad for studying, job shadowing, teaching and training courses. They can get to know first-hand the workings of other adult education organisations, share new ideas and discover new methodologies to bring them to your organisation.
  • You can organise mobility of adult learners with fewer opportunities or (and) with specific education needs and help them to improve the quality of life and offer prospects for their personal growth.
  • You can carry out a cooperation project; learn best practices from peers and network. You can develop high quality learning and training solutions. Thus, you can contribute to improving adult education in Europe.


Learn how others apply for Erasmus+ projects and achieve!

Erasmus+ Accreditation in Adult Education
Video file


Mobility of adult education staff
Video file

Do not hesitate and open up to Erasmus+ opportunities!

Contact the Erasmus+ National Agency located in your country to apply!

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Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
vr, 12/03/2021 - 11:29

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