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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Nature and Culture as tools for intercultural education

An Erasmus+ KA1 project about Nature and Culture as tools for intercultural education

Profile picture for user ponfotis.

The Environmental Education Centre of Vamos implemented the Erasmus+KA1 Project “Nature and Culture as tools for Intercultural Education” (approved by Greek State Scholarship Foundation, 2019-1-EL01-KA104-062085).

Europe faces a wave of xenophobia and racism, that worsens with the compulsory migration of many people or refugees because of Climate Change and war conflicts. So there is a need for intercultural education to promote peaceful co-existence of different people. The protection of nature and cultural heritage can be important tools in this effort. Monuments of nature and culture are a common heritage for humanity, necessary for our survival, physical and cultural as well. Biodiversity and cultural diversity can be tools for mutual respect and understanding of different people who are called to co-exist in new circumstances after wars and natural disasters.

In the context of this projects, members of the Pedagogical Team of Vamos Environmental Education Centre participated in Courses in Tenerife (“Time for Action: Non formal education through indoor and outdoor teaching methods for empowering students’ participation” organized by New Horizons Malta), in Seville ("Other shores" organized by Chain Foundation) in Spain, in Porto ("There is no planet B" organized by Learning Together) in Portugal, in Brokind in Sweden (“Nature as a Fantastic Classroom" organized by With this project our Centre integrated ideas and tools and created educational programs (Learning Scenarios) outdoors or in a classroom about the use of nature and cultural heritage as tools for intercultural education.

Additionally, short informing videoclips were created. The material of the project, pictures, videos and lesson plans can be found in the interactive book that was created by the Environmental Education Centre of Vamos.

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