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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа


Get ready for the next EPALE discussion: "Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Contemporary Society"

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EPALE Editor

On Wednesday, May 15 2024, at 10:00 am CET, we will host the online live discussion on "Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Contemporary Society"

The discussion will kick off with a live-streaming featuring Steph Wright, head of the Scottish AI Alliance, and Christoph Bretgeld, the co-founder of SkillLab, and will be moderated by Christin Cieslak from EAEA.

The live stream will be followed by a moderated written discussion, hosting the contributions of our EPALE community members.

The context

Throughout our dialogue, we will delve into the impact of AI on individuals and communities, focusing on how AI strategies can remain responsive to societal needs. Exploring the significance of AI in our societies, we will discuss collaborative approaches among governments, civil society organisations, and international bodies to ensure responsible AI development locally, nationally, and globally.

You can expect some of the following questions to be addressed during the online discussion:

  • How can AI positively impact communities and people?
  • As technology changes, how do we keep AI strategies flexible?
  • How can we make AI projects equitable for marginalized groups?
  • How can governments, civil society and international organizations work together to ensure the responsible use of AI around the world?
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Profile picture for user Dorota Gierszewski.
Dorota Gierszewski
Thu, 05/16/2024 - 09:28

w tym kontekście warto zawsze zastanowić się, jak nie dać się oszukać sztucznej inteligencji? - analizując wyzwania związane z coraz bardziej zaawansowaną technologią AI, która zdobywa popularność. Jak w tym wszystkim ma się krytyczne rozumienie mediów? czy nasza rosnąca zależność od technologii nie prowadzi do spadku umiejętności krytycznego myślenia? 

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Wed, 05/15/2024 - 12:57

Good morning!

Thank you very much for this online discussion focused on topics that should concern us all today.

I believe that Artificial Intelligence is still taking its first steps and that it will be, in the upcoming decades, a revolution in several dimensions of our lives. One of these dimensions will certainly be education and in particular adult education.

AI has the potential to integrate and help each of us understand how we can learn more or faster, but of course there is a danger of leaving out (or further behind) those who are not capable of using the devices to which AI ​​will be linked.

In any case, it will be extraordinary to have the possibility to ask a machine to analyse the way each of us learns, based on our routines, and to present us with tools to learn according to who we are.

I think that, in the future, each of us will be able to learn better throughout our lives with IA, because there are not always formal or informal structures to provide the learning we need (at least, in Portugal). It is very likely that informal education will be the main form we will use to learn throughout our lives, after having completed our initial training.

In the future It will be possible to ask a device (just as we ask Alexa today to play us a song) to tell us how we can improve this or that skill and to help us along this path of improvement.

Furthermore, I hope that, in the future, AI will free me from tasks that I have to do today in order to have time to learn more and to explore new areas of knowledge.

In that sense, I think AI will allow us to have a better life but, in fact, this better life needs to be for everyone.


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Profile picture for user Ivan Šarčević.
Ivan Šarčević
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Tue, 05/14/2024 - 22:50

Now, there is an intriguing topic for debate. 

Personally, I am interested in ethics of AI, followed by "positive impacts" of this technology and concrete use for marginalized groups - are there any?

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