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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa


LIB(e)RO - Manual

The aim of LIB(e)RO – Setting up an e-Learning Platform to Promote Public Libraries as Intercultural Learning Environment for Refugees – is to enable minors to have a positive introduction into a new language and culture.

LIB(e)RO project consortium is comprised of six European partners from Austria, Greece and Germany.

Content of the manual:

  1. Introduction to Social Inclusion
  2. Intercultural Competences and Multicultural Libraries
  3. Introduction to Citizenship Education
  4. Informal Language Learning in Libraries
  5. Method Shelf
  6. How to work with LIB(e)RO
Resource Details
Autore della risorsa
Monika Kil, Filiz Keser-Aschenberger
Tipo di risorsa
Risorse didattiche aperte
Data di pubblicazione
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