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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa


How do we keep up? Some hints from the EPALE survey

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EPALE Editor

How do we keep up? Some hints from the EPALE survey

The EPALE community recently participated in a survey that was carried out at the end of 2022 and made available in 32 languages.

The survey explored five main areas:

  • User demographics (professional role and country of origin).

  • User awareness and fidelity (usage frequency, awareness and appreciation of the latest content, Community Conference).

  • User experience (registration and log-in procedure, usage of the EPALE app, interaction with the community, familiarity with and usability of the website features).

  • User needs (improvements needed).

With 658 responses collected, from users all around Europe, we are now able to see how EPALE keeps up with the expectations of its community. Let’s look at some of the results!

Main highlights

The survey revealed that the features users are most familiar with are related to the consultation of the website contents (such as blog posts, news articles, resources), and taking advantage of professional upskilling opportunities such as courses, MOOCs and OERs.

For many users, EPALE is also a place of encounter and exchange. More than half of survey respondents (53%) reported that they had interacted with other EPALE community members through online discussions, Communities of Practice, commenting on blog posts, looking for partner search requests, or by finding project partners. 

Regarding usage frequency, 80% of survey respondents used the platform on a monthly basis at a minimum (50% monthly and 30% weekly).

Who are the EPALE users?

A high proportion (60%) of the EPALE users involved in the survey were adult learning staff (educators, teachers, trainers, etc.). Other respondents included projects and partnerships funded/seeking funding, national adult learning infrastructures, networks and organisations, academics, students, researchers and bodies providing guidance about learning and/or careers. The following graphic identifies the participants’ roles.

EPALE survey - professional role

What do users like the most?

We asked the EPALE users involved in the survey if they were aware of the initiatives launched in 2022 and if they found them useful. The EPALE Thematic Focuses and the related serial initiatives that ran throughout the year, such as the Community Stories, EPALE interviews, Resource kits and podcasts were the ones that users were most aware of. They also showed a high level of appreciation for these items.

2022 contents and initiatives - EPALE survey

A warm thank you to all users who responded to the survey! 

You allowed us to reflect on our strengths and challenges, and to continue working to improve EPALE!

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