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Suggestions to Improve Creativity in Adults

Suggestions to Improve Creativity in Adults

Profile picture for user esratelli.
esra telli
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Creativity in adults is an acquired skill. For this, adult individuals must believe they can develop their creativity first. Recognizing and eliminating the internal and social reasons that hinder creativity is a significant factor in laying the groundwork for the emergence of creativity. The rest is for the development of creativity, to use images more, not to kill the idea at least in the beginning, to give birth to ideas other than ideas, and to make prototypes by embodying the ideas. This blog post has a few suggestions for adults to improve their creativity.


  • First, using your imagination more will allow your creativity to find space.
  • However, to be more creative, do not kill any ideas, at least not in the beginning. Ideas will generate other ideas. Be sure to embody your ideas, make prototypes, and write and draw using pen and paper.
  • Create your own spaces. Spaces allow our brains to work diffused and make free associations. However, of course, it is necessary not to be afraid of taking risks and uncertainty.
  • It is essential to look at everything going on around us with deep curiosity. And self-management skills and patience… Dealing with something patiently and being determined can be considered creative personality traits. Finally, fun and humor… Laughter is like a magic powder for creativity. People are more creative if there is happiness, so do not forget that.

Creativity and finding new ideas are very important, but the more important thing is to put the idea into action. So not just generating ideas; be the people who dare to try them, learn from experience, and make new creative productions with what they have learned.

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