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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa



A lookback to the EPALE and Erasmus+ Conference 2022: “Life Skills as a Focus in Adult Education”

“Life Skills as a Focus in Adult Education” was the theme of the EPALE and Erasmus+ Conference 2022.

Profile picture for user EPALE Österreich.
EPALE Österreich
Konferenz EPALE 2022.

The EPALE thematic conference "Life Skills in the Focus of Adult Education" took place online on 24 March 2022.

In connection with the overarching theme of life skills, the EPALE and Erasmus+ Conference 2022 presented successful approaches in adult education for imparting reading, writing, and mathematical skills as well as competences related to finance, digital technology, health, civil society, and the environment.

The interactive framework with national and international keynotes as well as idea and networking pools offered the more than 140 participants from 20 countries the opportunity to find out what potential life skills have for adult education and how EPALE can contribute to making these skills accessible to everyone.

The keynotes offered a thematic introduction to the topic of "Life Skills":

The idea and networking pools were dedicated to the following topics and projects:

During the Erasmus+ Corner, Arabella Seits (OeAD) presented the new opportunities of Erasmus+ 2021-2027.

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