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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Interested in collaborating with others from across Europe but don’t have a specific idea yet?

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Add your organisation to the EPALE Partner Search to raise your profile and make others aware that you are looking to get involved in pan-European cooperation.

Top tip: Add as much information as possible about your organisation and the type of activities you are involved in to help others find you.

Applied Filters

Czech Republic
Czech Republic.
Our main activities: education of disadvantaged individuals, help to to Ukrainian refugees, assistance to victims of domestic violence.
Martina Picková
OpenTea is a company providing dissemination and communication services, especially for national and European projects. We take care of following the communication needs of each project, designing, creating or coordinating the content’s production. We use every digital or trad...
Gabriele Sacchettini
Based in Braga, Portugal, we are a dedicated Erasmus+ Training Course Provider committed to empowering individuals and organizations through comprehensive training programs.
Patrícia Teixeira
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Preunec, a dynamic software company, has been an integral part of the German tech scene for over five years.
Nevşare Bigün