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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Inspiring examples from workplace learning

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Dear EPALE colleagues,

In November EPALE’s thematic focus continued to be on adult learning at the workplace. During this time, EPALE’s national teams and the community published a number of inspiring case studies, articles, reports and other resources on the topic. Visit our thematic page Workplace learning to find them (content varies based on your language preference). Don’t forget to visit EPALE regularly for new content!

Between 11-13 November, EPALE organised an online event for collecting successful projects on workplace learning. We had various contributions from a wide range of adult learning professionals from 20 European countries. We thank everyone for sharing their invaluable contributions with the EPALE community!

Check out this article containing a summary by the event moderator Andrew McCoshan.


Latest blog posts

Three voices: How to future-proof our skills? (EN, EL, FI)

Markus Palmén conducted video interviews with three experts from the sectors of foresight, student representation and industry about the future of lifelong learning and workplace skills.

I don’t want to learn (EN, RO, ES)

How can we make workplace learning and adult learning in general attractive again for learners? Gina Ebner shared her reflections.

Inspiring examples (EN, EL, CS) and six challenges (EN, RO) of digital learning in the workplace

In these two articles, EPALE Thematic Coordinator Andrew McCoshan examined the opportunities and challenges involved in digital learning in the workplace.

What role can adult learning providers play in workplace learning? (EN)

What role can adult learning professionals play in making workplace learning more effective? Read this article by Simon Broek to find out.

Centres of Vocational Excellence: what do they mean for teachers and trainers? (EN)

Centres of Vocational Excellence are developing into an important component of EU Vocational Education and Training policy. Read this article to learn what this means for practitioners in the sector.


News from around Europe

November was a busy month in the adult learning sector across Europe:

  • A forum for reflection on adult learning took place in Portugal. The aim of the event was to discuss how adult illiteracy can be tackled, and to acquaint participants with different methodologies. (PT)
  • Meanwhile, the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science hosted an adult education forum to discuss the opportunities and challenges of adult education in the workplace and to highlight best practices in employee training. (LV)
  • In Finland, the government proposed to earmark €20 million for high-impact education and employment services. The funding will support existing training opportunities and prepare adults for changes in the working life. (FI)


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