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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Profile picture for user Aysenpinar.
Ayşen pınar Kara


Merkezefendi municipality has started winter sports schools in October. Sport activities are free in
charge and available for any age. Currently in Denizli youth center, Gerzele Sport and Education
Center, and Servergazi Sport Center are providing sport activities in 15 branches. These are; football,
basketball, volleyball, tennis, mind games, chess, field hockey, Pilates, athletics, badminton, table
tennis, cushion wrestling, folk dances, step-aerobics, fitness and gymnastics. Sport activities have
drawn great interest of folks, for this reason, new sport centers are planning to be opened in
different places of Denizli. Educators, who support sporters and sport activities, will be assigned by
Merkezefendi Public Education Center.
650 sport lovers (400 women and 250 children) registered to the center since Sport and Education
Center, in Akkonak neighborhood, started its activities on October 1 st with 6 different sport branches.
Social Life Center continues its activities for people in our region to do sport activities, to have a
healthy life and satisfy their needs. Activities are started in all sport centers to disseminate mind
games culture, raise awareness, and emphasize sport. Healthier days awaiting Denizli’s people.

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