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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Empowering Migrants: INFINITY Project Advances Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship

Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

The INFINITY project continues its mission to empower migrants by enhancing their financial literacy skills. This initiative extends beyond mere financial management, aiming to cultivate entrepreneurship, soft skills, and sustainability among migrant communities. Recently, on 4th and 5th June, the project achieved a significant milestone with its final transnational meeting held in Bonn, Germany.

Final Transnational Meeting in Bonn

The focus of the meeting was on advancing several critical aspects of the project, particularly the development of innovative educational tools. A key highlight was the implementation of an interactive online board game designed to educate migrants about financial literacy in an engaging and entertaining manner. This game serves not only as a learning tool but also as a catalyst to inspire migrants towards achieving their entrepreneurial aspirations.

In addition to the board game, discussions centred on finalising the e-learning platform. This platform is designed to offer comprehensive financial education accessible in multiple languages, ensuring inclusivity and broad outreach among migrant populations. Emphasis was placed on creating resources that are not only informative but also engaging, thereby enhancing the learning experience for migrants navigating financial landscapes in new environments.

Advancing Work Packages 4 and 5

Significant progress was also made in advancing Work Packages 4 and 5 of the project. Work Package 4 focuses on developing the e-learning platform and the digital board game, both tailored to meet the specific educational needs of migrants. Work Package 5 introduces the INFINITY Toolkit, designed to equip educators with resources and tools to effectively teach financial literacy to migrant learners, thereby fostering sustainable financial practices within migrant communities.

Preparing for Pilot Activities and Awareness Campaigns

Looking ahead, the project is gearing up for pilot activities aimed at testing these educational tools in real-world settings. These activities are crucial for refining the tools based on feedback from teachers, migrant organisations, and policymakers. Furthermore, plans are underway for awareness-raising campaigns to showcase the achievements and innovations of the INFINITY project. These efforts will culminate in a major dissemination event, presenting the project’s outcomes to the public and celebrating the collective efforts towards empowering migrants through enhanced financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills.


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