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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu



EPALE Community Conference 2021

Transitions: The role of adult learning in ensuring inclusive and sustainable change - 12 and 13 October 2021

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EPALE Community Conference 2021

On 12 and 13 October 2021, EPALE is hosting its annual Community Conference, which will be held entirely online. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss how adult education and learning can help reshape our society, promoting inclusive and sustainable models.

The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated vulnerabilities in our globalised and interconnected world, with profound and long-lasting effects. Fast-paced changes on multiple levels – digital, demographic, and environmental – have been the norm in recent times. In this context, the conference revolves around the concept of transition. Transitions are full of uncertainty and instability, but being inherently transformative, they also provide an extraordinary opportunity to sketch out new models, paying particular attention to the challenge of not leaving anyone behind.

The conference’s plenary sessions (public events available to view via the EPALE platform) will be split across two days.

12 October - Watch the streaming!

13 October - Watch the streaming!

But the conference doesn't end here!

Far from it! The following week, on the 18 and 19 October, the conference will continue, opening the stage for collaborative discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to have their say, taking part in four participatory workshops to be attended upon registration.

The EPALE Community Conference will also host 8 national panels to allow participants to deepen and discuss national priorities and practices… in national languages.

The full agenda will be available soon on this page.

Please take note

The keynote speeches and panel discussions will be public and available to view via the EPALE platform.

Workshops will be accessible only after registration as participants are limited. Workshops are open only to EPALE users, therefore you need to be logged-in to the website before registering. If you're not an EPALE user, create your EPALE account here.

National panels have different access modes, so check the ones you are interested in for more information.

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries - Day 1


EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries 10:30

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries 11:30

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries 12:30

Click here to watch the streaming

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries 10:10

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries 10:40

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Plenaries 11:40Closing

Click here to watch the streaming

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Workshops

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Workshops Day 1EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Workshop: Innovation’s role in the “new normal” of basic skills training: Ensuring learner-centred design and support

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Workshops 11:30

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Workshops Day 2

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Workshops 10

EPALE Community Conference 2021 Workshops 11:30

National Panels

National Panel 12 October

National Panel 12 October Slovakia

National Panel 14 October

National Panel 14 October - Hungary

National Panel 14 October - Latvia

National Panel 14 October - Portugal

National Panel 18 October

National Panel 18 October - Serbia

National Panel 18 October - Cyprus

National Panel 19 October

National Panel 19 October - Germany

All the speakersDownload the agenda


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Bom dia,

Participei na Conferência da Comunidade EPALE 2021 - Painel Nacional Competências-chave na Educação e Formação de Adultos em Portugal: Experiências e novos referenciais e gostaria de saber se já disponibilizaram a gravação do evento assim como se terei acesso ao certificado de participação?



Cecília Gomes (

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Dörte Stahl
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Pt, 10/11/2021 - 12:55

Is there a common conference hashtag that allows us to spread and follow the (certainly most interesting) event on social media?

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