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EPALE Resource Kit - Creativity and culture for social cohesion

In this Resource Kit, we glance back at 2022 and explore the many ways creativity and culture intersect with adult education.

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EPALE Resource Kit - Creativity and culture for social cohesion

Encouraging a dialogue across cultures and supporting individual empowerment and democratic consciousness in adult learners, cultural education is a major driver and enabler of social cohesion. During 2022, as part of its thematic focuses, EPALE asked its community to share reflections and initiatives on creativity and culture in adult learning. What is happening in cultural spaces and emerging creative ecosystems? How is creativity in ALE connecting people to spread beauty and a sense of belonging? 

In this Resource Kit, we glance back at the rich content that has been produced on this topic and provide you with some paths to explore the many ways creativity and culture intersect with adult education. 

The first part of the kit collects reflections and narratives, to explore and analyse in depth some key issues at stake. We propose you start with an article wondering whether there is space for art-based approaches in science education for adults; we then invite you to reflect on the value of non-violent communication in museums, to read an interview on art as a force for societal change, and to look at how we explored the power of creativity and culture at the 2022 EPALE Community Conference.

In the second part of the kit, you’ll find a series of tools and practices coming from Erasmus+ projects, that can inspire you in your daily work. We have selected a handbook to implement artistic activities for older people; a toolkit on the role theatre can play to fight discrimination and racism; a set of resources on how to use storytelling to promote the European heritage; an initiative investigating how digital tools at museums can promote active participation.

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Azahara Gonzalez
Sre, 03/15/2023 - 13:03


J'aimerais télécharger le Kit de ressources EPALE : la créativité et la culture au service de la cohésion sociale mais je n'arrive pas. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer le lien pour le faire?

En vous remerciant d'avance je vous souhaite une belle journée,


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philippe Mairesse
Čet, 02/09/2023 - 15:37

Hello EPALE,

as a recent member of the community, I tried to access the Kit Creativity and Culture for Social Cohesion. I was denied access "members only", though I have access to the others kits on the page...

can you help me ?

I am a trainer, researcher and teacher in higher management education, and co-chair of the UNESCO chair Art and Science for Implementing SDGs at ICN (Nancy, France).

Best regards,

Philippe Mairesse

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Sara Saleri
Pon, 02/20/2023 - 12:49

In reply to by philippe Mairesse

Dear Philippe,

Thanks for your interest in the Resource Kit, and for noticing the problem.

We had a technical issue to sort out, but now the Resource Kit is available. We hope you will enjoy reading it!

All the best,

Sara - EPALE Team

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Profile picture for user Carl De Meester.
Carl De Meester
Sre, 01/25/2023 - 16:38

I read your interesting blog and I like to share with you the website of our Erasmus+ project MOVE BEYOND. The project focuses on methodologies and best practices in the field of Art and Sport and developed a theoretical framework, guidelines and a training for teachers, trainers, and coaches using principles and tools to be applied within Re-integration services and Education.Link:

The website gives a nice overview of the project, the history, the theories, the manuals, the evaluation, the profile of the trainer, the training program, et cetera. It also offers the possibility to download all documents created to support your own training.

The website also contains a toolkit that can be ordered free of charge by sending an email to:

For a good layout, it is advisable to view the website on your computer or desktop.

We started a new project as sequel to MOVE BEYOND called MOVE YOUR MIND. This project focuses on ludodidactics ( didactic experience about the learning process and the learning behavior, specially how to reach the learner/the end user?

It would be interesting to share ideas with each other.

Carl De Meester

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