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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa


EPALE Newscast #2.2024 - The Power of Narrative

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EPALE Editor

Get ready for the second episode of the 2024 EPALE Newscast!  

As usual, the EPALE Newscast will be live at noon on the first Monday of the Month.  Mark your calendar for Monday, 4 March 2024! And now, what's cooking for the next episode?

What’s on the menu?

A selection of news from the Adult Learning and Education sector, plus some announcements in the policy field and what is not to be missed at this moment. Moreover, the biggest news from the EPALE Community and the unmissable content and topics, such as the next EPALE online discussion and a free webinar on storytelling.

Speaking of which... we have in store a special interview. 

When and where?

See you on Monday 4 March at noon

In case you can't make it live, you can always watch the episode on your own time... and watch it over and over :) Where? Here, in the dedicated menu item on EPALE and our YouTube channel.

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Profile picture for user claderamo.
Claudia D'Eramo
Mer, 03/06/2024 - 09:51 for the French-speaking community in Brussels: do not miss the Conference and discussion part of the European Year of Skills campaign. 21 March 2023!

Discover all the details: Conférence-débat : Ecologie et numérique...Alliés ou adversaires? | EPALE (

Some background info:

The event aim is to highlight current skills gaps and the challenges faced by various stakeholders, including employers, workers, educators and policy-makers. It will also explore trends in skills development, look at the future of the labour market in Belgium and propose strategies to empower Europeans to adapt to the technological and social changes that are redefining the world of work. 

All the discussions take place in the context of the dual transition: ecological and digital.

Claudia (EPALE Moderator)

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Claudia D'Eramo
Lun, 03/04/2024 - 12:07

...and now some links to not-to-be-missed content and events on EPALE!

Claudia (EPALE Moderator)

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Profile picture for user claderamo.
Claudia D'Eramo
Lun, 03/04/2024 - 12:02

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the second episode of the EPALE Newscast!

Here are some links from the EU, as mentioned by Tamsin:

Claudia (EPALE Moderator)

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