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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa


Don't miss the next EPALE discussion on Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills!


Online discussion Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills

On Wednesday 13 December 2023, from 10 am to 3 pm CET, EPALE will be hosting an online discussion on Basic Skills in the Pact for Skills.

This engaging event is an excellent opportunity for educators, training providers, policymakers, and experts in adult learning to explore the integration of basic skills into the Pact for Skills initiative.

Event Overview

The discussion begins at 10 am CET with a 40-minute livestream session moderated by Daiana Huber, Chief Operations Officer at CPIP, Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning in Timisoara and member of the EBSN Executive Committee. 

The live stream will feature Miguel Fernandez Diez, Pact for Skills Policy Officer at the European Commission, Knut Becker, Head of Stuttgart Office, Specialist Centre for Adult Basic Education and Literacy Baden-Württemberg, and Petru Vasile Gafiuc, President of Bucovina Institute Association.

This interactive session aims to shed light on the substantial role of basic skills in the Pact for Skills initiative and discuss the various channels and resources available for supporting this effort.

Interactive Discussion and Participation

Following the livestream, the conversation will transition to a written format, enabling EPALE community members to actively engage and contribute. Participants can expect to delve into in-depth discussions, reflect on posts, comment, and pose new questions for joint exploration of the potentials of pacts to address basic skills challenges and pathways to join the initiative. The discussion will be moderated until 3 pm CET, ensuring a dynamic and inclusive environment for all attendees.

Join this Explorative Journey

This event is a unique opportunity to be part of a broader discussion on enhancing basic skills within the Pact for Skills framework. Whether you're an educator, a policy maker, or simply interested in adult learning and skill development, this discussion promises to offer valuable insights and collaborative opportunities.

Save the Date

Don't miss out on this crucial conversation. Mark your calendars for 13 December 2023 and join us online to be part of shaping the future of basic skills in adult learning across Europe.

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