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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa


EPALE Newscast November 2023 - Adult learning and education goes international!

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EPALE Editor

For the newscast of the month of November, EPALE and the Lifelong Learning Platform join forces to bring you even more insights into the world of Adult Learning and Education - with extra events and new stakeholders. Let’s take a step outside of the European Union and consider how our own ALE systems align with international priorities. 

What’s on the menu for this edition?

We will take stock of the EPALE Community Conference, see where other events and resources stand, but we will also invite Nicolas Jonas, Team Leader at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning to outline for us the main outcomes of the CONFINTEA regional follow-up for Europe. 

UNESCO organises the CONFINTEA (Conférence internationale sur l'éducation des adultes, in French) to bring together ministries, civil society and other key stakeholders in adult learning and education and discuss new frameworks for global ALE. CONFINTEA is one of those “once in a lifetime” highlights for adult education professionals, as it only takes place every 12 years. The last meeting gave us the Marrakech Framework for Action, a programmatic framework for the entire world. 

When and where?

Enough with the spoilers, the EPALE Newscast is coming to you, live, on the first working Monday of the month: this one will air on 6 November at 12.00pm CET! If your agenda won’t allow you a newscast, worry not: the video will stay available on this page.

Missed the last ones? You can watch and rewatch them here. 

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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mer, 11/15/2023 - 12:29

Szintet léptünk. Szinergia nélkül nincs eredmény, ezért is örültem a CONFITEA eredményeinek. Csak legyen megvalósítás is mögötte.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Lun, 11/06/2023 - 13:42
Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mer, 11/15/2023 - 12:30

In risposta a di Sara Saleri

I am looking forward to reading then resources, hoping that implementation will follow the policies. 

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