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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Kateřina Pávková: Education as a product of horizontal and vertical generational relationships

Intergenerational educational activities strengthen the Family Culture - its cohesion, friendly atmosphere and open communication.

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EPALE Editor

Kateřina Pávková,

Short bio

I graduated in Andragogy from Jan Amos Comenius University in Prague. I am currently studying MBA at the European School of Business & Management, with my specialisation being Andragogy and Education Management. Since 2012 I have been working at the National Heritage Institute as a lecturer in the Department of Education. My specialization is cultural andragogy (focused on leisure activities, cultural and educational activities) and gerontology.

My story

What topics in adult education should we address in the future? Well, I answer from the position of an adult educator working in the cultural environment, specifically in the field of leisure and civic education. Following my five years of intensive work with the target group of seniors, which overlaps into intergenerational educational activities that take place in the form of intergenerational workshops in a historical environment, I will share my opinion.

Intergenerational educational activities should be given increased attention in the years to come by us andragogues, as well as by the new generation of young adult educators.

The reason?

Intergenerational educational activities offer the following:

  1. A process through which individuals of all ages acquire skills, knowledge, as well as attitudes and values through everyday experiences and ways in their own lived worlds.
  2. It is also one of the ways in which the idea of ACTIVE AGEING can be fulfilled. The idea of active ageing is based on WHO (World Health Organization) principles. These principles are: independence, participation in society, dignity, care and self-realisation.
  3. They strengthen and positively influence the FAMILY CULTURE, which is defined by four basic aspects: family atmosphere, family cohesion, communication, and learning.

The aim of intergenerational practices and activities is to develop the potential of the elderly by focusing on learning together between generations. While at the same time, working together to better achieve a common goal. Practical intergenerational workshops bring generations together and lead them to learn from one another.

The reciprocal exchange of intergenerational learning has two dimensions:

  1. Chronological - in which cultural and social norms are transmitted.
  2. Bridging - where there is a development of understanding, respect and esteem for people of  different ages.

Education thus becomes a product of horizontal and vertical generational relationships.

A family culture that positively influences learning is one where there is a friendly atmosphere, open communication and a high degree of cohesion. The greater the culture of sharing and learning, the more successful the family will be. This has a positive effect on the strength of relationships. In order for learning to be positively influenced in a family, a family culture must be achieved where the members seek out and enjoy spending time with each other, and genuinely enjoy learning something new together.

Educational activities in the field of leisure and civic education, and intergenerational workshops, which are designed and subsequently implemented by the National Heritage Institute, are focused on cultivating family interest in the care of cultural heritage. Through selected educational activities, the National Heritage Institute participates in and co-creates healthy families and healthy intergenerational relationships within them. This makes it easier for young people to become real personalities who will be able to take responsibility not only for themselves, but also become responsible citizens and wardens of our country.


Examples from practice?

Looking at the future, coming up in July 2023: Summer intergenerational workshop in the grounds of the Veltrusy State Castle.

One part of this workshop is set in the five halls of the laboratory. Here, in an engaging and educational way, participants will learn more about the knowledge and skills of researchers, archaeologists and restorers. Another part of the workshop is an art workshop, which focuses on the production of a family coat of arms. This activity reinforces the importance of family togetherness and common thinking.

In conclusion, through intergenerational educational activities, I try to develop the knowledge, skills and values of older people, their children and grandchildren in the care of cultural heritage. This form of education also strengthens the Family Culture - its cohesion, friendly atmosphere and open communication.

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