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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Erasmus + project WOMENinSTORIES, No 2022-2-LV01-KA210-ADU-000095070 result Online Platform

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Erasmus + project WOMENinSTORIES, No 2022-2-LV01-KA210-ADU-000095070 result Online Platform is enhancing adult educators’ and senior women digital competences for better access to tailored lifelong learning  opportunities for civic engagement and participation.

‘Civic Competences’ topic provides information about the procedure for elderly people to become active citizens in their community. WIll define definitions such as civic engagement, participation and active citizenship. Additionally, through this topic will explore how storytelling seniors can support seniors to become active citizens and contribute to their communities. 

‘Digital Competences’ topic provides information about the basics of digital storytelling such as what digital storytelling is, the benefits, and the necessary equipment needed for seniors to use while recording a story such as a microphone and a camera. Additionally, includes online tools such as websites, and mobile applications that seniors can use to record a story.

‘Creativity Competences’ topic provides information about the basics of creativity, such as what creativity is and myths about it, as well as practice creativity in the context of digital storytelling. Additionally, various creativity tools and Canva platform will be utilized to see the impact of creative thinking visibly.

Learning materials are available in English, Latvian and Greek. 

Lear about other project WOMENinSTORIES results on the project webpage .


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Erasmus + project WOMENinSTORIES, No 2022-2-LV01-KA210-ADU-000095070
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