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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Enterprises and Adult Vocational Training Programmes (AMU)

Adult vocational training programmes (AMU) play an important role in connection with the continuous upgrading of competences of skilled and unskilled workers in Denmark in accordance with the needs in the labour market. It is also a comprehensive system in terms of the number of participants and course offerings. It is therefore important to examine at appropriate intervals how enterprises make use of adult vocational training and how they assess the results thereof.

With this report, the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) provides insights into enterprises’ assessments of whether the current provision of adult vocational training matches their continuing and further education and training needs in relation to their skilled/unskilled employees. The report also sheds light on enterprises’ use and knowledge of adult vocational training programmes.

The report is based on an enterprise survey carried out in 2015, which compares the answers of two previous, identical surveys carried out by EVA in 2011 and 2007. The questions in the 2015 survey are generally the same as those that were included in the previous two surveys. The study is thereby able to monitor any changes in how enterprises have assessed and made use of adult vocational training from 2007 to 2015, a period that has been characterised by both turns of the market and changes in the conditions for the provision of adult vocational training programmes. The report also incorporates statistics on activity levels and the course participants in adult vocational training courses over the past decade.

The first enterprise survey from 2007 was a component of EVA’s 2008 evaluation of adult vocational training programmes, which in turn was part of EVA’s 2007 Action Plan and connected with the monitoring of the 2002 Danish Act on Vocational Education and Training. The 2011 survey was conducted as a follow-up to this at the request of the Danish Ministry of Education, while this 2015 study is a part of EVA’s 2015 Action Plan. We hope that this report can contribute to the development of a knowledge base for constructive discussion of the future of adult vocational training programmes in Denmark.

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Resource author
The Danish Evaluation institute
Type of resource
Studies and Reports
Publication Date
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