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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

17 Sep

8th Teaching & Education Conference, Vienna

Austria, Vienna
Ufuoma Ederewhevbe

Combine two conferences: 
The Vienna conference can be combined with our conference in Paris, which takes place a week before. There are direct flights from Paris to Vienna.

We welcome scholars, researchers, as well as corporation and government executives. 

Please submit your abstract here.

The Teaching & Education Conference is focused on the following topics:

  • Teaching and Learning Methods
  • Language Learning and Teaching 
  • Higher Education
  • Lifelong Education
  • Distance and Blended Education
  • Educational Systems and Policies

Submitted papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by our external reviewers, based on originality and technical quality. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. 

Proceedings of the conference will be published one month after the conference.
Proceedings of the conference are indexed in:
 RePEc, Google Scholar, Research Bible, Research Gate

The conference proceedings will be sent to Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) after the conferenceto be evaluated for coverage in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

IISES is an important international society of economists, social scientists and educators, founded to promote education and scientific research. Our conference enables you to present your research, meet new colleagues and improve your research skills. Attending a scientific conference is always a great opportunity to do some networking. This can help you to start new projects, find collaborators or jobs.

Certificate of presentation will be issued to participants presenting their research in sessions, poster sessions or an e-session.
Certificate of chairing a session will be issued to chairs acknowledging their role at the conference.
Best Paper Award will be conferred by the Program Committee to the author(s) of the best paper presented at the conference.

For those who cannot attend personally we offer participation in an e-session (virtual presentation).

A group of participants can organize a workshop in English or in a different language.

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Conference Chair:

Dr.Klara Cermakova, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Contact details
Contact Us

International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences


Trebesovska 2038/14
Prague, 193 00
Czech Republic

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London W2 3UN
United Kingdom

Company Identification Number: 06178278

from 20. 06. 2017, file Nr.: C 277574

TIN: CZ06178278

Bank Account Nr.: 9994690001/5500 (Raiffeisenbank)


+420 224 095 544
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Policy makers
Attending fee

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