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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Gender differences in STEM

The gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields is, even today, an increasingly widespread and worrying reality.

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In recent decades, women have had better access to education and training. However, research indicates that women are still underrepresented in the science sector, which discourages young women from pursuing studies in STEM subjects. The education sector needs to prioritise promoting a cultural shift that challenges stereotypes about women in science and highlights female role models for students to look up to.

Why do fewer girls choose science courses?

The culture within certain communities reinforces stereotypical choices for boys and girls, particularly in the field of science. This intersects with gender stereotypes that hinder girls' opportunities to explore subjects such as science and technology.

Teachers and educators believe that girls face challenges in STEM studies and utilising digital tools, such as low self-esteem ("feeling inadequate") and lack of motivation ("struggling with long-term commitments" and "feeling incompetent with digital tools").

We must bridge the skills gap and foster diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. Interventions are essential to promote confidence in girls, especially in areas like mathematics, engineering, and science. Using a universal language, even in play activities, can help raise awareness from a young age.

Who can help us?

Education plays a crucial role in changing attitudes and behaviour. Education systems should equip all students with the tools to explore their own identities, strengths, and interests, irrespective of societal expectations and gender roles.

Addressing students' motivations for their educational and career choices, encouraging them to question their chosen paths, and seeking relevant information to support their career decisions are essential. 

Guidance projects are significant, as students' choice of study paths depends on their ability to identify their shortcomings, abilities, and strengths when investing in their future.

Orientation aims to challenge the stereotypes that have long perpetuated the belief that women cannot have the same level of skills as men in STEM studies. It aims to support women in overcoming the obstacles that prevent them from realising their uniqueness and fulfilling their life goals.

Here are some strategies for addressing the gender gap in STEM fields.

To arouse and maintain girls' interest in STEM subjects, the measures that could be taken in the educational school system mainly concern:

  • the inclusion of STEM subjects in school curricula as early as primary school; 
  • the development of teaching methods for STEM subjects that take gender differences into account through the presentation of female role models and the possibilities of application in all areas/disciplines of society, health, etc., to make these subjects more attractive to girls as well; 
  • the development of teacher training programs aimed at improving teaching methods; providing strategies that encourage female students to solve problems independently, helping them, especially girls, to perform better in mathematics; and making teachers aware of gender stereotypes that may affect their assessment of students.


Follow the 'My Diversity Our Strength' Erasmus+ project developed by our international partnership. The project was created to promote equitable access to opportunities among young people, regardless of gender. The project's results will include the development of a Competence Framework, the My Diversity, Our Strength Compass, an Escape Box, and an Online Conference.

To be sure you don’t miss any news about the project, visit the project website regularly!



Marone, F., & Buccini, F. (2022). Nuove disuguaglianze nell’era contemporanea: ragazze e STEM. Education Sciences & Society/Education Sciences & Society1, 170–184.

Meccariello, A., & Mentasti, R. (2020). Parola d’ordine STEM-conoscere per colmare il divario di genere. L’importanza del curricolo interdisciplinare di educazione finanziaria per promuovere il pensiero scientifico nella scuola primaria. IUL Research1(2), 107–117.

Ragazze e STEM: stereotipi e disparità di genere. (2024, February 9). Save the Children Italia.…

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