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European projects also come of age: 4 Elements in Arts

This is an article written by Dr. Dušana Findeisen for the conclusion of the Erasmus+ project "4 Elements in Arts".

Profile picture for user Carolina Carotta.
Carolina Carotta
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

last meeting in Reus (Spain).

This is an article written by Dr. Dušana Findeisen for the conclusion of the Erasmus+ project "4 Elements in Arts". The article aims to trace the inspiration of the four elements on the artists and partners of the project!

Started in 2022, the Erasmus+ project "4 Elements in Arts" has developed the promised materials to support teachers/students in teaching/learning foreign languages through artworks from all over Europe.

We are particularly proud of the interactive map with the stories of the works of art, the lessons for students and teachers, the accessibility of the project with the Braille guide and the videos in Sign Languages.

4 Elements in Arts has matured, but don't worry, it will continue to grow. It has shown that our national cultures have their own, particular images, but also images of the four elements we all share. We approached the subject through different arts but intentionally, or not, we focused mainly on the visual arts: painting, photography and cinema. 

The Italian partner, the Institute for the Deaf in Turin, reintroduced us to Caravaggio's painting "Narcissus" and, of course, the myth of Echo (air). 

The element of water was represented by the Latvian partner (Zini Foundation) with the painting "The Latvian Fishermen's Festival", while the Spanish partner (DomSpain) made us understand where the current popularity of the coast near Valencia comes from. 

Thanks to the Greek organization (MyArtist) the project took us back to the ancients, to the cradle of European culture. The French partner (Les Apprimeurs), thanks to the painting "The Raft of Medusa", reminded us how a good guide is essential. 

The Belgian partner took us back to the ancient desire of human beings to fly with "The Aeromodeller": an ambition that is not only mythological if we think of Icarus, but current and real. 

Of course, music could engage our emotions even better, as the feeling of beauty or horror would easily overwhelm us. We could listen to Charles Gounod's adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet”: it would be fire and passion. “Tara's Theme” from the movie “Gone with the Wind” would make us feel attached to our roots (the earth). Michel Legrand's music in the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” (water) would be magical... to be listened to... There's still a lot ahead of us, there's no doubt about it. 


Follow the project on our social media channels: Facebook and Instagram

Erasmus+ project number 2021-1-BE02-KA220-ADU-000035111

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