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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



EPALE focus: Citizenship education

From March to May 2019, EPALE’s main thematic focus will be on citizenship education for adults.

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Citizenship education.


From March to May 2019, EPALE’s main thematic focus will be on citizenship education for adults.

Between March and May we at EPALE want to focus on the importance of citizenship education for building a responsible society and teaching adults how to be more critically aware of trends in society. Citizenship education can help adults to assess statements made by politicians, recognise fake news, exercise their democratic rights and participate in decision-making processes.

Have you come across or created an innovative methodology for teaching adults civic skills? Perhaps you have been involved in or heard of a successful project that aimed to improve adults’ civic engagement or awareness of their democratic rights? Share your stories, tips, case studies and good practice examples on this page between 20-24 May and help to inspire adult learning professionals across Europe.


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Profile picture for user ELMADUHEM.
Wed, 04/10/2019 - 11:22

Akıllı telefon ve İnternet kullanımına erişimin kolaylığı vatandaşlarımı yalan haber,manipülasyon ve İnternet dolandırıcılığı gibi tehlikeler ile karşı karşıya bırakmaktadır.Bunun üzerinde çalışması ve bilinçlendirme eğitimlerine ağırlık verilmesi önem ve acileyet arz etmektedir.
Vatandaşlarımıza yönelik eğitimin şu sorulara cevap vermesi zorunludur.
1-Yalan haber nedir?
2-Yalan haber niçin yapılır?
3-Yalan haber nasıl anlaşılır?ip uçları nelerdir?
4-Propaganda ve ikna yöntemleri nelerdir?
5-Güvenli alış veriş internet üzerinden nasıl olmalıdır?
6-Kredi Kartı kullanımı ve Şifrelerin önemini içercek şekilde modül eğitimi verilmelidir.
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Profile picture for user BrianP.
Brian Caul
Thu, 04/04/2019 - 17:01

In 2016, the results of the UK Referendum on EU membership had a seismic effect on the House of Commons and the long established democratic process. Up to that point, it could reasonably be assumed that the elected MPs reflected the balance of opinion in the whole nation. Since then, there have been deep schisms not just between but within parties. 
What are the implications for citizens?
All sections of the UK have become increasingly pluralist. Whether it is a migrant new citizen, a student, a worker or unemployed, a senior citizen, it is crucially important that all have or develop the skills of citizenship which enable them, not only to analyse the nature of their society and its governance, but to develop the arguments that can bring about changes for the better.
What are the key questions? 
How is your country governed? What are your rights not only to vote but to make representations to government? How do you combine and share ideas and opinions in ways that persuade and influence? What are the duties that government must fulfil in relation to health, welfare, education and employment ; and providing care for our most vulnerable citizens? How can you personally develop the oral and written skills to express your needs and support your arguments with evidence? 
Currently the government of the UK is in a state of conflicted paralysis. It has never been more important for citizens to make their voices heard, challenge bigotry and intolerance and suggest  plans that respect diversity and create a better society for the common good.
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Profile picture for user akcadaghem44.
halil ibrahim kılınç
Tue, 03/26/2019 - 09:31

İnsanların basında ve sosyal medyada çıkan haberleri ayrıca politikacıların popülist söylemlerini sorgulayarak olduğu gibi kabullenmemeleri gerekir. Vatandaşların haklarını bilmesi ve kullanması toplumların gelişmesi ve kalkınması için büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Böylece insanlar karar alma sürecine aktif olarak katılarak yaşadığı topluma daha faydalı bireyler olurlar.
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Brid Connolly
Thu, 03/14/2019 - 16:26

We have to be clear about what populism means. In many ways, the social movements that brought us into the 21st century could be framed as populism, as the democratic processes could not always embrace liberation movements. Ultimately, social movements could lead the way to greater freedom, the most significant probably is and was the women's movement, but also the quest for equality for sexual and gender minorities, race, ethnicity and class. We can't confuse these liberation movements with those who desire to undermine human and cultural rights, the mark of populist movements. Adult and community education is on the side of freedom and rights. 
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Marina Taraskevica
Thu, 04/25/2019 - 04:57

Šī izglītība palīdzēs cilvēkiem labāk saprast viens otru konkrētā cilvēku sabiedrībā. cilvēkiem ir ļoti svarīgi izveidot spēcīgu un veselīgu sabiedrību
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Profile picture for user Pop Up Europe.
Giulia Pelliccia
Tue, 03/05/2019 - 09:31

According to the  European Parliament, the future of Europe starts in towns and with citizens and Local authorities  are best positioned to fight against populism. Challenge taken by the "Pop-Up Europe Delivering Europe to its citizens" project! 
Although there is plenty of training for public officials on European topics to be carried out at national level, literature shows a very limited existence of projects allowing sharing of experiences between Municipalities offices dealing with European union matters. The methodology used by the project is a results-oriented one, using informal and on the job training which are the best learning techniques in adult education. Participants  will “study” a best practice, which is the Pop Up Europe experience led by the Province of Antwerpen, winner of the  Europcom "European Public Communication Award" in 2017. 
Four  joint short term training staff meetings, will allow personnel working in municipalities to learn from each other and  adapt the Pop-up tools to their local context. The results expected during the project and on its completion are: Promote good practices in terms of local governance and support the exchange of experiences between European offices of local authorities;  Strengthen project partners EU-related governance skills; Fight distrust and lack of cooperation among key actors in local community; Engage directly local governments and citizens to best learn of, grasp opportunities and meet the challenges that the EU integration implies. Above all, the project activities enhance the empowerment of staff in Municipalities and produce specific tool-kits per partner country, translated into their own languages and made available to other local governments across Europe by providing training to staff members involved in EU policy on how to organise activities and awareness at local level for the general public and how to motivate people to become active European citizens. Updates will be made available. Stay tuned!
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Profile picture for user Maria Silvana D'Addario.
Maria Silvana D'Addario
Wed, 03/13/2019 - 22:12

         Dalla cura condivisa dei beni comuni al benessere di comunità.
         Giovani e Cittadinanza Attiva: una nuova appartenenza sociale.
Formare il cittadino responsabile , attivo significa non solo insegnare le norme fondamentali degli ordinamenti di cui siamo parte, ma anche aiutare tutti a trovare dentro di sé e nella comprensione degli altri, nella storia e nella cronaca, le basi affettive ed etiche da cui dipendono sia il rispetto delle norme esistenti, sia l'impegno a volerne di migliori. Alla molteplicità di implicazioni e trasformazioni di ordine sociale, culturale, economico, che oggi viviamo, corrisponde una complessità e multidimensionalità del concetto stesso di cittadinanza.
 Essere cittadini significa adempiere ai propri doveri elettorali, partecipare attivamente alla gestione delle problematiche territoriali, conoscere la legislazione del proprio paese, o esprimere un senso di identità nazionale? I comportamenti civici attengono maggiormente alla sfera privata o a quella pubblica? Quale relazione si crea tra diritti e doveri all'interno della società delle cittadinanze al plurale? Per rispondere a tali domande si possono esaminare ed approfondire i seguenti aspetti : -approccio ai problemi in qualità di membri di una società globale; - assunzione di responsabilità; - comprensione e apprezzamento delle differenze culturali; - pensiero critico; - disponibilità alla soluzione non violenta dei conflitti; - cambiamento di stile di vita per la difesa dell'ambiente; - sensibilità verso la difesa dei diritti umani; - partecipazione politica a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale L'educazione alla coesione sociale può divenire, nella società attuale, un obiettivo associato e complementare dell'autonomia e dell'emancipazione, "correggendo" sia l'individualismo, sia i particolarismi. La cittadinanza attiva chiede un lavoro dinamico di memoria e di integrazione in una storia; comporta un progetto di inclusione dei nuovi arrivati (in senso generazionale, etnico, sociale); fonda il riconoscimento degli altri in una interdipendenza reciproca.                              Silvana D’Addario Ambasciatrice EPALE Puglia  
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Tue, 04/02/2019 - 17:10

Cea mai importanta componentă a educației cetățenești este cunoașterea constituției, astfel încât fiecare din noi să înțelegem cine și cum ne este configurată evoluția actuală și mai ales cea  viitoare.
Cele mai importante prevederi ale constituției care trebuie înțelese și aplicate se referă la: 
1. asigurarea independenței și suveranității naționale, fără de care nu poate exista democrație;
2. drepturile fundamentale ale cetățenilor și modul lor de garantare;
3. scopul economiei stabilit prin constituție: pentru creșterea nivelului de trai al tuturor cetățenilor în armonie cu natura sau pentru obținerea și / sau consolidarea unor privilegii private;
3. în slujba cui acționează instituțiile statului: a tuturor cetățenilor sau a unor grupuri de interese, etc.
Iată un model de analiză, la nivelul României:…
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Sigita Upīte
Tue, 04/09/2019 - 11:00

Pilsoniskā izglītība ir svarīga pieaugušo kritiskās domāšanas pilnveidošanai un palielina iesaisti sabiedrības dzīvē, tā ļoti nepieciešama ,lai mēs kopīgos darbos sasniegtu kopīgu mērķi. Pieaugušajiem jārada izpratne par apkārt notiekošajiem procesiem
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Profile picture for user Andreas Koreimann.
Andreas Koreimann
Tue, 05/21/2019 - 10:45

Adult Education plays a key role in imparting knowledge about democracy, politics, political processes and social structures. The promotion of active citizenship for responsible citizens is an educational policy objective in Europe and an important element for the societal cohesion in a democracy. What is citizenship education? How and where does it take place? What are thematic key aspects, approaches, methods? How should we structure courses for political education and how can the education of democracy be implemented for adults. These are the central questions of the EPALE conference 2019: Citizenship Education in Austria & Europe: Objectives, methods and future prospects . Ideas and methods, which were developed in European projects, will be introduced and tested. The national and international idea and networking pools will cover the following topics: approaches of political education, promotion of active citizenship, integration through adult education as well as empowerment through community based media and promotion of media literacy. More details, the program and the registration you will find also here. We are looking forward to see you in Vienna.
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