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Creating inclusive schools: a reflective journey!

From navigating complex challenges to fostering practical solutions, discover how educators are shaping the future of inclusive learning.

maud Gari
Community Hero (Gold Member).

In a world that is increasingly interconnected and diverse, the role of schools in fostering inclusive environments has never been more critical. However, addressing biases, promoting equality, and embracing diversity within educational settings often pose significant challenges. This was the central theme of two insightful pilot training sessions held within the framework of the project “Leadership for Diversity” co-funded by the European Union and Erasmus+ Agency. They were organized by Le LABA at the Rocher de Palmer and Ferdinand Buisson Public Elementary School in Begles, France.  

Piloting training Session january 2024.

The sessions, held on November 13, 2023, and January 31, 2024, brought together a diverse group of education stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers, researchers, and project managers. Margaux Velez, Maud Gari, and Maryna Radchuk attended the session on the side of Le LABA and one of Le LABA's collaborators - sociologist Mehdi Hazgi moderated the sessions and presented the training tools to participants. The collective goal of the session was to become more aware of cultural biases, understand the role of school leaders in promoting diversity and inclusion, and develop actionable plans for creating welcoming and equitable learning environments.


Piloting training Session november 2023.

Exploring Diversity and Equality: Challenges and Insights

The discussions during the sessions were wide-ranging and thought-provoking: participants delved into various aspects of diversity, including ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds, and the challenges they present within the school context. In a country like France, where secularism is upheld, navigating discussions around religious symbols and ethnic origins can be complex for educators. The need for teacher and school leaders training in addressing diversity and promoting gender equality emerged as a recurring theme.

Leadership's role in fostering diversity and inclusion was also a focal point of discussion. While traditional notions of leadership may be contested in France, there was consensus on the importance of creating inclusive leadership practices within schools and collectives. These pilot training sessions highlighted the need for trust-building with parents and emphasized the significance of diverse representation among teachers to foster inclusive environments.


Piloting training Session january 2024.

Activities and Reflections: Bridging Theory with Practice

The facilitator employed various activities to stimulate reflection and dialogue among participants. From exploring the "diversity wheel" tool to discussing the skills required for inclusive teaching practices, attendees engaged in meaningful exchanges aimed at understanding and addressing diversity-related challenges. While the feedback was largely positive, participants expressed a desire for more practical, hands-on experiences to complement theoretical discussions.

“Hopkins Diversity Wheel”.

                                                                   Hopkins Diversity Wheel

Moving Forward: Towards Practical Solutions

Acknowledging the feedback, organizers have scheduled additional sessions with a focus on practical tools and solutions. The aim is to empower educators with tangible strategies that they can implement in their professional settings. The commitment to ongoing dialogue and mutual progress on diversity and inclusion issues remains strong among participants.

Conclusion: A Journey Towards Inclusive Education

These pilot sessions served as a catalyst for reflection and action in the pursuit of inclusive education. By confronting biases, exploring challenges, and sharing insights, participants laid the groundwork for creating more inclusive school environments. As they continue on this journey, the collective commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusive leadership shines brightly, illuminating a path toward a more equitable future for all learners.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Indeed, by embracing diversity and fostering inclusion within educational settings, we can pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.


Find below the resources of this article:
- The website of the project Leadership for Diversity :
- Sociologist Mehdi Hazgui : 
- LE LABA : 
- Image “Hopkins Diversity Wheel
- Photos taken during the Piloting training Session on 13 Nov 2023 and 31 Jan 2024

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