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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Diana Medrea-Mogensen: Let's create a world of equal opportunities for education, but also for employment

It is incredibly satisfying to help women feel competent and powerful!

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Diana Medrea-Mogensen

Short bio

I am the founder of We Are Entrepreneurs, an initiative that supports job market integration through entrepreneurship. We focus on helping disadvantaged segments of society to have a better future through self-employment. We have been working mostly with international women in Denmark, and now we want to turn our focus towards refugees.
I have been an EU project manager since 2021. I am 35 years old, and an advocate for long-life learning.


I find EPALE a great resource for research and I use it to check out other projects that can help the groups we work with at We Are Entrepreneurs. I have found wonderful initiatives for women through this platform. Even though I did not have the chance to use it for dissemination purposes yet, I can see how it will help us share our findings, get advice, and learn from other organizations.

My Story

I am a partner in two great projects at the moment that focus on Life and Work Skills for Empowering Adults to Learn and Participate.

WISE: Women: Innovative, Successful, Empowered (KA227-ADU-094820) supports women in arts and crafts in acquiring and developing skills in digital literacy, innovation, and manufacturing solution, and collaborative practices. It's our goal to see our groups be successful in their endeavors. The partnership includes the Lithuanian NGO VERSLI MAMA, Dailininkų Sąjungos Galerija (Lithuania), We Are Entrepreneurs (Denmark), ETN school s. r. l. (Italy), ANKA (Greece), and Skref fyrir Skref efh (Iceland).

FLIGHT: Financial Literacy for Investment, Growth, Help, and Teamwork (KA220-ADU-6A589661) teaches expatriate women in partners countries basics of financial literacy (budgeting, accountancy, etc.) and investment practices, all while creating a supportive community for sharing best practices. The partnership includes Versli mama (Lithuania), Prios Kompetanse (Norway), WSEI (Poland), (Germany), We Are Entrepreneurs (Denmark).

It is incredibly satisfying to help women feel competent and powerful, and one of my favorite aspects of these projects is the communities that are formed around them and how supportive they are.

In a world where access to information, education, training is evermore available and where we as trainers strive to provide the best material and training for our groups, our job is just one aspect of our groups' success. Adult learning and life-long learning are great ways to move forward, adapt and learn in the rapid-changing world. However, one challenge is to get employers and the world to acknowledge the validity of all the learning that is being done at an individual level. Skills and competencies validation practices need to be developed and soon. As our capabilities grow, we have to find a way to formalize them and ensure that they match the expectations/standards needed in the job market. I aspire to be part of that change and my organization is actively working towards a skills validation system for refugees.

Let's create a world of equal opportunities for education, but also for employment.

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