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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě


VET VR ACADEMY : virtual reality for professional training in catering

Pedagogical framework for the use of virtual reality and e-learning in catering VET.

Profile picture for user ncondnic.
Nicolas CONDOM
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).


The first production of VET VR ACADEMY is finally ready! We have developed a pedagogical framework that is available in English, French, Spanish, German and Greek. It is an important output for trainers and teachers and can be used as a basis for any organisation wishing to use the tools we are developing or to replicate the project methodology.

It is a roadmap for the next steps of the project, defining the framework for the e-learning platform and virtual reality environments. This 90-page document has been designed as a real guide for the target audience of the project.

The first part of the document focuses on the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, following a national study conducted by the partners. This short study allowed us to select and justify the use of different methodologies in our approach: experiential and immersive learning, transformational learning, situated learning theory.

The second part of this booklet presents the virtual reality environments and e-learning modules we have chosen to develop. They were predefined during the preparation of the project by the vocational training institutions involved and the research confirmed the accuracy of the first proposals made.

The pedagogical content is based on 3 blocks of competences: interpersonal skills, job-specific knowledge, technical skills. In total, we are developing 5 virtual reality environments and 13 e-learning modules, integrated in three learning paths.

These learning paths can be seen as examples, suggestions on how to use the virtual reality environments and the e-learning platform of VET VR ACADEMY. To accompany and guide teachers and professionals who want to test, use and implement the educational content we have developed, we have chosen to propose these three pathways as an example of how to create an approach using all the tools we have developed.


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