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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë

New EPALE website coming in April 2021

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Dear EPALE colleagues,

as you may know we've been working on a brand new EPALE platform with the aim of increasing the overall user-friendliness and the richness of its content.

You will be able to see the results of our work around mid April 2021, when the new website will be released.

New features of EPALE will include: renovated look and navigation, more educational resources and a new MyEPALE section. Moreover, the 2021 edition of the EPALE Community Stories Initiative will be launched... Stay tuned!


EPALE's Latest Content

The European Pillar of Social Rights: turning principles into actions (EN, LV, ES, ET, CS, IT, PT, DE, SV, EL, HU)

On 4 March 2021 the Commission set out its ambition for a strong Social Europe that focuses on jobs and skills for the future and paves the way for a fair, inclusive and resilient socio-economic recovery.

New Digital Education Initiative in Germany supported by Chancellor Merkel (EN, DE, HU)

Peter Brandt talks about the new “Digital Education Initiative” launched by the German Federal Government.

Maybe, just maybe Museum Education was kickstarted by the Pandemic (EN, PT, ET, LV, LT, SV, DE, HU)

Henrik Zipsane gives us an overview of the European Museum Academy National Museum Reports 2020.

EPALE interview: Inge Schuurmans (director of the Basic Education Center in Antwerp) (EN, NL, PT, ET, HU)

"Like so many of us, we had to look for alternatives to help our learners continue to learn"

EAEA Grundtvig Award 2021 is now open for applications! (EN, PT, ET, BG, LV, DE, PL, ES, TR, EL, FI, HU)

The EAEA Grundtvig Award highlights project results that produce new ideas, partnerships and methodologies in adult education. This year’s theme is Digitalisation & Democracy.

Life education: Sustainable life skills for vulnerable target groups (EN, SL, CS, ES, BG, PT, TR, ET, SV, HU)

The topic of sustainability is not represented enough in adult education, especially given its importance for the people, the environment and the economy.

GREEN PAPER ON AGEING - Fostering solidarity and responsibility between generations (EN, CS, BG, ES, PT, ET, EL, HU)

The European Commission presented a green paper to launch a broad policy debate on the challenges and opportunities of Europe's ageing society..

“The lockdown of physical co-operation touches the heart of adult education” (EN, PL, PT, ET, EL, HU)

A Delphi study analysing the immediate and expected effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adult education and adult learning.


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