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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa


ShareAmi connects young people learning French with seniors living in France

Profile picture for user nvalealt.

ShareAmi .

Generated as a spin-off of the main project Oldyssey, a digital storytelling project that gives a voice to old people and provides ways of bringing different generations together, ShareAmi allows young people who want to practice their French the chance to improve while promoting the active engagement of older people at risk of isolation and social exclusion.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, older people are particularly at risk of feeling isolated or they may simply have more time on their hands than others. Language exchanges abroad are being partly suspended, making practicing foreign languages even more difficult for young people who would have otherwise been able to organise a trip abroad or attend a structured language course in another EU country.

Three young changemakers from France -  Clément Boxebeld, Juliette Neyran and Julia Mourri - have recently found a smart solution that contemporarily addresses these two issues. They launched ShareAmi, and have received more than 3600 applications from learners who want to be connected to an elderly French conversation buddy or act as volunteer facilitators to supervise the partnerships that have already been initiated.  Some of them will have to wait more than a year to get in touch with a fellow French senior citizen and to start the programme.

For those who are interested, the ShareAmi team is now available online:

Following a first test conversation, a senior/learner duo commit to a 3 months’ programme during which they call each other every week for a 30-minute conversation. Every month, the facilitators interview both of them online to check the pace of the online conversations, as well as to highlight and reflect on eventual issues and/or benefits from each party. At the end of these 3 months the pair can decide whether to continue, or change interlocutor, or stop the program altogether.

The programme has kicked-off in France, but as you can see from the video below, it is quickly spreading all around the world.


Do you want more information? Visit or write to!

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I think it is such an amazing idea: bringing people together, from all over the world. This is a win-win situation for all the involved parts! Great possibility for young French language explorers to learn not just the language itself, but also the culture, other person’s life story and a way of thinking. For seniors it is a wonderful opportunity to become more easy going with the new technologies and all the possibilities they are offering us today. And, by the way, French isn’t only a beautiful and romantic language, but it is also a fast-growing and global language. A study shows that French language just might be the language of the future. It will be present on all continents, and particularly predominant in a continent that, by 2050, should be a fast-growing economic powerhouse - Africa.

I’m just thrilled with this idea of yours. I’m a French fan myself and I’d love to participate in this project so much! You really should grow bigger, develop this project and include other languages too. Wish you all the luck with this wonderful great movement you’ve started.

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Profile picture for user maria.cutajar.
Maria Cutajar
Ter, 2021-01-19 03:41

Excellent initiative! And further to what Ramon and Marija point out already there is also the added value of keeping old language expressions and their meaning alive
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Profile picture for user MarijaElena.
Marija Elena Borg
Seg, 2021-01-18 09:35

Wonderful! I agree with Ramon - this initiative does not only provide the opportunity for young people to learn the spoken language efficiently, but simultaneously bestows an important role onto seniors; enabling them to give back to society, even when social distancing is a must.
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Profile picture for user ramonmangion.
Ramon Mangion
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Sex, 2021-01-15 11:23

Well done for this interesting project. This is quite a valid requirement in such times whereby many elderly are also feeling lonely.
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Alexandra Szabo
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Ter, 2021-02-16 08:38

Nagyon jó kezdeményezés, itthon is érdekes lenne, nem csak nyelvtanulás, hanem akár digitális tudásfejlesztésre.
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