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EPALE Austria publication 2018: Upskilling Pathways - Equal opportunities & participation through adult education

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EPALE Österreich

Adult education is an effective tool for promoting social inclusion, if it is able to reach low-skilled and disadvantaged adults and close skills gaps, and thereby promote equal opportunities. Ideally, adult education should help people to participate in society and the world of work, both of which are currently undergoing a period of drastic change.

But what obstacles do adult learners face when getting started on a course? How can we reach those in need of education with learning opportunities and what help is available to disadvantaged learners?

These questions were the central focus of the EPALE Austria conference ‘Upskilling Pathways – Equal Opportunities and Participation through Adult Education’ held on 21 June 2018. The event was jointly organised by EPALE and Erasmus+ Adult Education and was held for the second time at magdas Hotel, a socio-economic business which employs people from 14 different countries.

The present publication is based on the lectures of the conference.

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Autor materiału
OeAD-GmbH/Nationalagentur Erasmus+ Bildung [Hrsg.]
Typ zasobów
Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne
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