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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie


Open door to every pupil

A model for a curriculum for qualification of pedagogical disciplines students at the universities.

This curriculum has been designed for students at the pedagogical departments – masters programs. The Curriculum could also be adapted for a training course for qualification of teachers at primary schools and kindergartens on how to use the MI methodology.

The Curriculum is designed to give knowledge and skills to students on how to teach children – intellectually, emotionally, and socially; on how children could form transferable skills in parallel with acquiring academic knowledge. The streamline of the Curriculum is to teach students – future teachers how to create equal environment for all learners (pupils) at primary school and kinder-gardens based on their individuality and how to create a flexible classroom.

The philosophy of the MI training concept is the understanding that everybody is intelligent but in a different way.

MI methodology is presented and interpreted in relation to the already well-known and practically implemented ones like: the Montessori Method, the Cooperative pedagogy by Celestin Freinet and Sylvain Connac.

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