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The Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Report

Profile picture for user ozarslan.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

By 2030, there will be nearly one billion people age 65 and older around the world, a group that between 2015 and 2030 will grow at four times the rate of the overall global population. Managing this demographic transformation requires governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to fundamentally rethink the roles older adults can and should play in our communities and economies. Recognizing this, in 2017, AARP and FP Analytics partnered to launch the Aging Readiness and Competitiveness (ARC) initiative. The ARC initiative maps out how countries around the world are responding to the pressures and opportunities created by their aging populations, and identifies innovations that promise a more active, engaged, and productive older population in the years to come.

As such, a rethinking of the role of older adults in our communities and economies is imperative. AARP and FP Analytics have partnered to conduct an in-depth study of aging policy in 12 countries to produce the Aging Readiness and Competitiveness (ARC) Report. Download the executive summary report in PDF format by clicking the address below.


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Autor materiału
AARP and FP Analytics
Typ zasobów
Studia i sprawozdania
Data publikacji
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