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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa


Online diskusjon om utdanning og krise: ekko fra Ukraina

Profile picture for user Ingrid Radtke.
Ingrid Radtke


The war in Ukraine has shaken the world. We can see the disastrous effects of the invasion and armed conflict through the eyes of the refugees now seeking shelter in EU countries. War, with its brutality and its giant consequences, can make us feel powerless. Even so, we cannot stay still. And, actually, European citizens, and European educators, are not staying still. We are mobilising our civil efforts, solidarity, skills and competences to tackle this aggression.

EPALE wants to add a tile more to this collective response. We want to encourage our community to reflect on the role of adult learning and education in this challenging time. We want to share ideas and practices, to see how education can get ready to and react to crises, and help tackle them.

On Thursday 17 March 2022, from 10 am to 16 pm CET, EPALE will be hosting an online discussion, where we will discuss crisis education and the role adult learning can have to cope with the effects of conflicts and emergency situations.

The written discussion will be introduced by a live stream (10-10.40 am CET), with three hosts sharing their perspectives and experiences:

Gudrun Van Pottelbergh (Prepared International), analyst of Emergency Preparedness & Crisis Management. For the last fifteen years, Gudrun has been providing both research, training and evaluation to a broad range of crisis management actors, such as the UN or OSCE, governmental agencies, civil societies and academic institutions.

Elena Pacetti (University of Bologna), Associate Professor in Educational strategies for communication in the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning and Citizenship education and active participation in the Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes Degree programme. Elena is the Scientific responsible of the Research Centre on Education, Media and Technologies, a member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre for Educational Research on Teachers as Professionals, and a member of the Study Centre on Gender and Education. 

Boba Markovič Baluchová (DocUnion NGO), expert and researcher on media literacy and misinformation, solution journalism, hope-based communication and responsible media coverage of global challenges. She is the communications manager at the Platform for Development organisations – Ambrela in Bratislava, Slovakia. Boba also founded the DocUnion NGO, focusing on Media and literacy trainings for adult learners and the blogging platform, Media about Development. 

The live stream will be followed by a moderated written discussion, hosting the contributions of our EPALE community members.

Among the key issues we will be discussing:

  • Training the trainers in situations of emergencies;
  • Social inclusion and vulnerable persons in emergencies;
  • Peacebuilding and peace education;
  • Crisis management and crisis education;
  • Building citizens’ resilience (before, during and after a conflict)
  • Misinformation and propaganda
  • Media literacy for critical consumption of information

You are warmly invited to share your experience and initiatives.

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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
tor 17.03.2022 14:57

Mi már elkezdtük a PTE-n szervezni a menekült hallgatók befogadását, és a hallgatóink a Vöröskereszttel együttműködve önkéntesiednek. Nagyon jó látni, hogy segítőkészek. 

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Profile picture for user Tanja Logar.
tor 17.03.2022 10:58

We must look at adult education in times of crisis, from two points of view; certainly, from the perspective of refugees, but also the perspective of the citizens of the recipient county. Refugees need to be integrated into everyday life and they are likely to benefit most from the basic language of the recipient country. On the other hand, the people of the recipient country, who are largely faced with war and its consequences for the first time, are held. They need to be educated primarily in the area of accepting people with traumatic experiences and how they can help them.

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Profile picture for user claderamo.
Claudia D'Eramo
tor 17.03.2022 09:59

We are ready to go live!

Feel free to post your questions or reflections here, and we will address them during the live-streamed conversation.

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Profile picture for user media k GmbH.
Karin Drda-Kühn
ons 16.03.2022 10:52

Who would have thought that our ERASMUS+ funded CRISISS project ( would become so topical, timely, important, and relevant! "CRISISS - Soft Skills Assessment and Competence Validation for Volunteers in Transnational Crisis" aims to support organisations and volunteers in the assessment of social skills ("soft skills") acquired in times of crisis. This will enable volunteers to record and assess their growth in social skills so that they can present and use them in their professional work.

CRISISS was originally conceived to capture soft skills that volunteers developed during their involvement in the COVID-19 crisis. But looking closely, we have all been in crisis mode since the beginning of 2020: through COVID-19, through floods, fires, storms, in which volunteers engaged incredibly for their fellow citizens. And now the Russian aggression against Ukraine! 

You are invited to join the CRISISS event June 29th, 2022, where the assessment tools for volunteers will be presented as a contribution to the European Vocational Skills Week 2022:

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Dear Karin,

Many thanks. This is indeed an extremely interesting and timely project.

Can you maybe also post this same comment on the discussion's page? This will make it more visible to participants in the discussion.

Hope you will be able to participate in the written discussion!

Many thanks again, all the best

Sara - EPALE Team


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Profile picture for user MLohrer.
Maren Lohrer
lør 12.03.2022 15:42

Die Diskussionsmöglichkeiten sind breit gefächert, von Friedenserziehung bis zu Medienkompetenz. Besten Dank für dieses Angebot.

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Hope you will be inspired by the experts' reflections on those topics, Maren.

Please feel free to share your thoughts or ask questions... and any resource, link or reflection on the crisis education topic would be greatly appreciated by the community.

Claudia (EPALE Moderator)

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