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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Members of DOIO association on mobility in Spain

"Embark on an innovative journey in adult education as we discover Europe's most groundbreaking school and redefine the future of learning."


In May 2022, a team of DOIO (eng. Association of teachers for adult education at secondary schools) members took part in an Erasmus+ mobility activity, an educational visit to the workplace, in Valencia, where we visited three different schools. We have already cooperated with two of them XABEC Centro de Formación Profesional and Mediterráneo Culinary Center in the past and we wanted to strengthen our cooperation with and establish opportunity for new collaborations. We visited XABEC because they received the European Commission's award for the most innovative school in 2018, so we wanted to see what kind of work processes it has implemented at the level of ensuring the quality of work with adult participants, their mobility and learn what makes them different from other schools.

In all the schools we visited, we were interested in the following areas: ensuring quality in work with adult participants, innovative approaches in working with adult participants, a mobility system with an emphasis on the mobility of adult participants, cooperation with various partners abroad, introduction of sustainability, green, digital content into the work (e.g. at XABEC we were also treated to a demonstration of VR glasses for educational purposes), career guidance for participants of adult education and employees, opportunities for our various collaborations (organization of practical training for participants, staff mobility, projects, as an example also the opportunity to participate in the international conference Trends and challenges for the fields of food and nutrition, catering, tourism, education and training, organized by BIC Ljubljana, at which we would present examples of good practices for the general public and organizations in Slovenia, especially secondary schools that educate adult participants).


Alternative approaches to learning .

At schools that are members of the DOIO, we will include all information about the activities that the visited schools are carrying out and that can also mean progress in development for our process, including daily practice. For example this includes: an innovative approach in providing spatial equipment (equipment of classes for hybrid teaching, laboratory...), hybrid teaching (after our return, we already included this area in the planning of the activities of a larger international project), tailor-made training for companies (XABEC) and tailor-made Erasmus+ programs for different participants, etc.

A pathway to achieving innovation.

Communication took place in English, so we strengthened this area as well. We visited some other cultural and historical sights. We have also established the possibility of the participation of employees from the visited schools in the international professional conference Trends and Challenges, as well as established contact for the implementation of the mobility of staff and participants of our trainings at the visited schools and their representatives with us.


Blog was preapred by members of DOIO association that participated on mobility in Institution Xabec and assembled by Maja Krajnik, the Erasmus+ Coordinator of DOIO association.

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Tom Borg

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Mahira Spiteri

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