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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Europass – what’s in it for adults?

Read this blog also in Finnish (FI)

There is a common misconception that the Europass CV is something only for the younger generation, but the truth is that Europass is for anyone who feels comfortable using a computer on a daily basis. It is probably true that the younger people are more active when it comes to trying out new ways of operating online, but Europass is not just a novelty. It is here to stay.

After its initial launch in 1998, the number of users has skyrocketed. Last year almost 18 000 000 CVs were created. For an adult person who is searching for a new job after many years in the same job, it would be a good idea to show a prospective employer that he or she is keeping abreast with the times and is aware of the modern working life requirements.  According to our CV survey, Europass CV is more and more accepted by the employers. In the public sector it is often even required.

Adults usually have a comprehensive work history that cannot be fitted on one page. With the Europass online editor it is easy to make various CV drafts for different kinds of positions and give them an appropriate emphasis - for example one draft for marketing positions and another for communications positions. I guess many people are already doing this regardless of the format of their CV.

But what really makes the Europass CV stand out, in my opinion, is, that it highlights more skills and competences than other CV templates.  Instead of merely listing the previous job titles, it makes you reflect and verbalize what you can do. Even though adults may already have established themselves as professionals it is a good exercise for them, too. Often people do not realize how many skills they have acquired over the years in working life. They may even see their competences as self-evident until they make their own Europass CV. In this sense Europass can work as a self-reflective tool, too.

Lastly, I would like to highlight the possibility to combine Europass CV with the European Skills Passport which allows you to collect all the work certificates and other important documents accumulated along the years in a handy electronic package, which you can hand out with your CV. A myriad of experience is no more difficult to present!

If you think that Europass might benefit you, take a look at the portal:

Writer of the blog is Anu Märkälä, a higher education trainee at the Finnish National Board of Education. She is a final year student of political science in the University of Helsinki.

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Marielle GAUDIN
Mon, 09/12/2016 - 10:46

This year Cedefop has undertaken a survey on the Europass CV online editor.

More than 10.000 answers confirm that creating an Europass CV is "simple and easy".

Over 85% of the respondents rated the online tool either good or excellent !

if you haven't made yours yet....... do it now at :


Marielle gaudin, National Europass Center France.

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Profile picture for user drewssi.
Sibilla Drews
Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:21

I could not agree more!

The German National Europass Center can share the same positive experiences.

Find out about the further benefits and the whole Europass portfolio (Language passport, Europass Mobility etc.) at

Sibilla Drews, National Europass Centre Germany


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